Name some albums/bands you can't stand but get endless praise.

None of Graveland's other albums sound like "Thousand Swords" by the way. Their earlier albums are rooted firmly in the Norse camp, while later recordings remind of Bathory's better viking stuff.
genocide roach said:
mayhem = over rated crap

I wouldn't call them crap at their peak, just less good than their peers. "De Mysteriis..." is hardly a bad album, in fact I think I'd quite like it if certain aesthetic attributes *coughFrogmancough* weren't so laughable.
[Led Zeppelin's] wandering and seemingly drunken aimless guitar and singing bore the crap out of me.

It's not that I can't stand them, but after sitting through their first two albums I will never again voluntarily listen to Led Zeppelin, and that's why.

Opeth - same thing, I wouldn't make a huge fuss if someone was playing it in the car or something, but why listen to them when you could listen to something else?
i'm probably gonna get bashed for saying this, but here it goes,
1.Iron Maiden... it's just so damn boring...
2.emperor... the only song of theirs i can listen to is I am The Black Wizard
I find that I hate the theatrical end of the BM spectrum, which bands like Emperor and Mayhem step into at times. I'm not against dramatic or mystical music, as long as it doesn't cross that fine line into the realms of the 'overblown'.

Maiden's problem is similar. "Overblown" is an acceptable element of the genre - it's fun music, but sometimes they cross that fine line into the realms of the 'gay'.
Vox Stellarum said:
Yeah. POS rules !
weren't they supposed to release a DVD version of BE...?

Yes, a live performance of it. Comes out March 21. There was a clip posted on the prog-power board, I'll have to find it.
I can't say there are any bands that I can't stand, really, but Iron Maiden falls pretty low on my list. Mayhem doesn't do much for me, and Arghoslent didn't do anything for me, even after giving it about a dozen tries. For Ulver, I've listened to Bergtatt lots, but I've never been able to finish NM.

Now that I look at my albums, I realize that I hated Anathema's Alternative 4.
Really, he is. I've never seen such a hipster doofus in my life. The guy is a total attention whore who makes it a point to go against the grain(whatever it may be, it varies depending on the cirumstance) at every possible opportunity. More than that, he makes it a point to make sure every last soul knows about his contrivance. This includes interviews and whenever else we become privy to the inner workings of his mind. Maybe if he keeps it up he can prove to me that he has no allegiance to any scene and he's an individual.
Personally, I can't stand Blut Aus Nord... just bores the shit out of me.

I know Mayhem had a lot of influences, but I'm not exactly a big fan of their stuff.

Argoslent don't do much for me either... I really didn't thing that "The Noobian Archer" was anything to write home about or anything, but the stuff I've heard off IB is a bit better. I'm not saying they're bad... but people seem to just fucking love them!

I know people are gonna disagree the shit outta me... but I prefer the heavier part in Vital Remains' Dechristianize than the melodic part. I've not found one person who agrees with me, yet.
@ Demiurge
The only grain he went against was the metal scene so you're wrong there. Also, Garm isn't half the "attention whore" that Varg is. Actually, compared to Varg and the rest of the "iconoclastic", pseudo-intellectual NS scene he is NOT an attention whore. I find it disheartening that I have to disagree with you on this, because your comments about Nattens Madrigal echoed what I've always thought: It's OK to disagree with Spinoza Ray Prozak. Oh and by the way, GET OUT.
I really like how inarticulate dolts lack the ability to evaluate a band's worth on any other scale than the fun-factor.

@ inarticulate, doltish metalheads.