need reamping help *urgent*

That sounds pretty rad man. Is that the Garland? Your description was spot on.

I've got mine on just now. Just doing the right side of re-amping whilst I tidy the house.
Thanks :)
Yeah that's the Garland all right. I set things up, dialed in the tone and went to have breakfast :D
thanks so far!

@ shadow walker: that's pretty close to what i'm looking for! i like the way the low mids blend with the bass. it could use a touch more gain (gotta bring the brootalz, you kids these days ;) ) and it's a bit prominent in the 2k range, but overall the tone takes eq much better than my engl fireball one, so the 2k issue is easily solved. i'll wait for the other reamps but this one's really good! great job! oh, and +1 to cab/mic question ;)

@ jeid: not really feeling it, sorry. kinda honky and lacks punch. it's a good tone, very little fizz, but the slams need to kick you in the face, so i think this is a bit too thrashy sounding. still, thanks a whole lot for the effort!!

back to tracking now....
I backed off the presence which I think fixed the 2khz thing and I turned the gain up to 11 :P (nah there's quite more in this beast actually) reamp revised.mp3
(mix with revised guitars) reamp revised gtr.mp3
(guitars only)

The chain is rougly:
DAW-> amp boost on -> lead channel in modern mode -> load box on medium attenuation + 4x12 cab -> load box line out into interface -> blend of GuitarHack and Burny impulses

Using the load box out yields noticeably better results IMO than what you get from the preamp (fx out) only. The high end is much more natural and so is the overall sound.

Edit: I've just finished reamping the whole thing, so if you're happy with this tone I can upload it.
hey guys,

downloading all the files right now. i'll give all you guys feedback as soon as i'm finished.

thanks a whole lot!
still realling digging shadow walkers reamps the most! they're kinda like an improved version of my own fireball reamp, just overall BETTER.
i'm still waiting for guitargurus and adam wathans clips, but what i got from shadowwalker so far is really good and will likely make it into the final mix.
pms will be sent.

so far, thanks everybody!
no problem man, i further tweaked the backing mix and worked on fx automation etc, once the guitars are done the whole thing should go really fast. i'm busy editing right now, but i cleared my schedule for monday so i can work on the EP the whole day. what i'm trying to say is, i can make it without lots of problems if i get the guitars until tomorrow evening.

sorta wondering....why does a porn producer have to get up at 5am on a saturday morning? :D