new nevermore...

Brooks said:
hE's tHe bEsT gItArIsT EVVAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

Discounting CC Devile, of course.

Oh yeah, my AIM shows blatant homosexual tendencies, as it is in a perpetual state of disconnecting and reconnecting. I find it works, however, to piss off everyone that includes me on their buddy list. THATS WHAT YOU GET!!

if i was in person with you, id sock you in the face for it....and for that CC Devile comment too. :tickled:
Any douchebag can learn to sweep and learn basic shredwank arpeggios and play them over and over and over, and that would make that person as good as Laiho. Loomis is in another class completely. He's an infinitely more dynamic soloist and riffer, and he's faster, more precise, and better live than Laiho. Mikael is in another class too. He's way more creative, tasteful, and dynamic, and he's a great singer and lyricist too. Laiho's lyrics make Britney look like Dylan. Bodom has effectually released the same mediocre album over and over with different song titles.

Bodom is to Opeth as a dying weed is to the Amazon Rainforest
Shadows Skulk said:
Any douchebag can learn to sweep and learn basic shredwank arpeggios and play them over and over and over, and that would make that person as good as Laiho. Loomis is in another class completely. He's an infinitely more dynamic soloist and riffer, and he's faster, more precise, and better live than Laiho. Mikael is in another class too. He's way more creative, tasteful, and dynamic, and he's a great singer and lyricist too. Laiho's lyrics make Britney look like Dylan. Bodom has effectually released the same mediocre album over and over with different song titles.

Bodom is to Opeth as a dying weed is to the Amazon Rainforest

or agent orange is to the vietnamese? :tickled:
mh, i used to be a very die-hard nevermore fan, but i dont listen to them often nowadays because i listened to their stuff too often. i like the newish stuff and one riff really reminded me of opeth. i like the more technical parts that sound politcs of ecstasy like because they went a bit 'in your face' with the last two albums
Brooks said:
Nevermore is to Bodom, as Cherry Garcia is to Vanilla.

Yes, Nevermore has chunks chocolate and bits of cherry.

I disagree with your analogy. I find Vanilla to be quite classy and elegant. I say Bodom are Strawberry.
Brooks said:
I apologize, I was in err. You sir are correct. Maybe even a strawberry sundae with whipped cream and a cherry: completely over the top and somewhat distasteful, appealing to the sheepy masses who think more is better.

My only problem with Alexi Laiho is that he's complete fucking moron...I was reading his interview in the latest Guitar World and somewhere along the lines he mentioned how much Dream Theatre sucked because they play their instruments too perfectly and dont make enough mistakes...then he felt the need to mention how much booze he drinks and how much he gets laid by groupies. It was really pathetic in comparison to the Steve Vai and Zakk Wylde interviews, and it made him look like a retarded little kid with dreams of being a rockstar.

....oh yea, and he looks like a fag
Even the shreddiest Loomis solos sound 10x classier and more tasteful than Laiho!! And who knows HOW much Mikael could shred if he practiced that kind of thing? Not saying he'd be on par with Loomis or Laiho or anything, but you never know, do you?