New Songs "DISCUSSION ONLY" thread

Then the guys on graveboard were lying. Though they got the Reverie songlength right? This is weird.

It's definitely opeth though.
Hmm, it's approx. 65 minutes?!

Calculate again.

There is no reverie/harlequin distinction lyrically but it gets faster at some point.

Yeah, atonement is like Madrigal by DT. Just done better.
He'll keep stalling like this for a week or however long it takes until it actually does leak.
1.Ghost of perdition 10:26
2.TheBaying of the hounds 4:06
3.Beneath the mire: 12:46
4.Atonement: 0:59
5. Reverie/Harlequin Forest 11:38
6. Hours of wealth: 11:15
7.The grand conjuration: 10:14
8.Isolation years: 3:32

it's almost 65. let's calculate:

2 X 11=22
2 X 10 =20
1 X 12 = 12
1 X 4 = 4
1 X 1 = 1
1 X 3 = 3

= 62

now the seconds:

26 + 6= 32
46 + 38= 84
15 + 14 + 32 = 58

=174 (almost another 3 minutes

62 + 3 =65

which makes 64 minutes; 58 secs

Song by song.. I cant analyze music very well so it'll be rather shallow.

Baying is liek in the radio rip just with a short, cool riff before and at the end there is some sounds like at the end of TGC. Some kind of musical theme I would guess.

beneath is a monster filled with several memorable riffs, cool growls and yet some rap-ish vocals. They are cool though, but you might like them. there is a sweet passage where the guitars duel the keys. Done much more tastefully than the shite on Octavarium.