New Songs "DISCUSSION ONLY" thread

For me the title 'Ghost of Perdition' first evoked the idea of a massive, chugging, sort of slow but incredibly heavy song that was mostly dependent on a few main riffs...not this amazingly agile piece we have here with so many highlights. I like this better.

Oh and I heard a bit of Orchid/MR in the riff @ around 1:20
Someone needs to get over here right now and physically stop me from listening to this song any more before I wear it out.

And I can't believe I forgot Beneath the Mire! Damn.
GOP: i really dig the vocal tone and melody, but the rhythms are kind've... eh. 'devil crack the earth' etc. is really kind've emotionless. the vocal rhythm at 4;30 or so strikes me the same way... almost singsongy.

whatever happened to the fades from heavy sections into clean sections rather than the abrupt start-stop thing that they've been doing lately?

that being said, GOP is pretty swank, but i don't feel blown away or anything. the bass lines are nice.
yeah i kinda agree with shantideva...the transitions are kinda nonexistant and seemed kind of forced from one passage to another...overall tho i think GoP is impressive and TGC is more of a concert song.
Funny, TGC turned a lot of people off and made them have second thoughts about getting the album..... Now leaks are banned, some people heard one yet a lot of other people haven't. It's almost like Opeth doesn't give a damn about the fans and wether they want to buy the record or not.
Yeah, the fast clean vocals are the only thing I don't love about this song.

The "beloved son" part is awesome, though. Best clean part of the song aside from the "rode into the dark" part. Damn this song rules.
hmm... try listening TGC after GoP, it actually sounds better! i can't wait for how it's going to sound on the album.
Oinkness said:
Funny, TGC turned a lot of people off and made them have second thoughts about getting the album..... Now leaks are banned, some people heard one yet a lot of other people haven't. It's almost like Opeth doesn't give a damn about the fans and wether they want to buy the record or not.

Where are you getting all that from? I don't know of any band that would encourage any kind of leaking of new material. They want us to hear it how it was meant to be heard -- not leaked song by leaked song at mediocre sound quality.

That being said, I plan on being on top of any leak as soon as I find out about it. I'm craving new Opeth too much to resist the temptation.
annt said:
hmm... try listening TGC after GoP, it actually sounds better! i can't wait for how it's going to sound on the album.

I agree, and I think it's because we're not worried about how the rest of the album will sound -- we can enjoy this song for what it is, not worry about it for what it might mean.
Moonlapse said:
4:54 - Ending riff to Master's Apprentice

i can see that...but, at the same time, absolutely not...its based on the same idea...chord progression with the octave melody...but it is like nothing i have ever heard before. i think the ending of master's is pretty average. i'm only being defensive because once again...i think it is one of the most beautiful passages ever!!! <---4:54 in gop
Arnold Layne said:
The riff at 1:08 (with the clean vocals) sounds like The Grudge, or Lateralus The palm muted riff with the percussion, sounds like Tool.

Its about the only song that Ive heard influenced by Tool that doesnt come of sounding bad because of it, SOAD, Disturbed ect ect worship Tool, but fail. Maybe its cuz the influence is not for the whole song, keeping with the stealing lots of old ideas to create something origional and great.
Yup. I get the Tool vibe at 1:08 and 1:37. They pull it off well.
I dunno,but I hear very little bass in this 64kbps rip.Waiting to hear the original track.Liking the keyboards @ 7:05s.