Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Naku ist krig

Active Member
Jan 16, 2002
You ask why?
Well I tell you why...
I created this thread just because i want to make something just as undying and eternal like Hearse The Wanker and his Good old "NP" thread

I´m feeling fine today
I have an aching throat and I am wondering how can I stop fighting with my parents for good. This aside, I am fine.
I'm in a weird mood...because of some fucking pathetic relationship stuff...but I felt worse in the past.
I accidentaly kicked my computer, resulting in an aching toe.
My right shoulder hurts.
I'm freaking tired! :mad:
So sick of differential equations.
I'll have to inflate the tires of my bike but I don't want to leave the computer.
People call me mad.
Borderline hypochondriac.
It's hot as hell out there!

But I shouldn't be complaining.
I am better today, than yesterday, which means I feel only slightly tired.
I am happy about a few things I can't talk about here.

I'm sure I will be back to my shitty self tomorrow, we will see.
I felt horrible today - I had minor fever and the things here at school weren't going very well. To top that, I have after several months of (somewhat) balanced emotional life messed my mind up with unrealistic dreams concerning certain female individual.

This evening, however, I went working at the local youth-house once again, talked with the kids and shared their joys - and suddenly I am feeling much better. No more fever, no more worries about school nor women - I realize once again why I like the work I do.

I feel good tonight. In a very wierd sense though. Just spoke to the woman that has done the most for me, emotionally speaking. She brings moments of joy, comfort and animation to my otherwise quite stagnated life and she lifts my spirits like few others. Problem is that a relationship would never work out as things are today. That's the ugly downside to it all. Oh well, I guess one should treasure all good moments in life and forget about the rest. :)
oh i feel quite relaxed, think i'm going to fetch a bottle of beer (one of the famed veltins-baugranaten!) and enjoy myself and my godlike posts on this board :loco:
@rahvin: That's horrible. I hope that guy gets caught and punished. :(

As for me, I feel alright... I have tons of work to do, even if it's only been less than two weeks into school.

I still feel quite good though... :)
I'm tired.. and sick of this damn cold. I swear I wake up with 5 lbs of phlegm in my throat every morning. And I'm a little jaded over girls.. they are so frucking indecisive and fickle :mad:
@nicktheclayman; @mousewings: thanks for your caring. i know this shit happens but it's very unpleasant to think about your aged grandmother lying on the ground after hitting her head because some bored kid couldn't help his drug addiction or who knows what else. :mad:

today i'm feeling bored already. 9h30' of "work" are ahead, then hopefully i'm going out with hyena and wolfy. still, being my office nine hours and a half a day this whole week doesn't really send me hotjumping out the window. not even if we weren't on ground level.

I hate the tour to school I have to take when riding my bicycle every day. I hate the fact that it is so fuckin hard to get a driving licence in Sweden and I am angry with myself because I got my whole digital cinema kit yesterday (which I spent a great amount of money on and had to wait several weeks to get it) and forgott to buy cables to to my speakers.

Besides that everything isn't so great:rolleyes:
My finals exams started yesterday, the listening comprehensions are over now and then the written parts start next week. I think I did quite well in those. I'm a bit tired and hungry but feeling pretty good :)
yeah, rahve, be happy: you ARE indeed going out with me tonight. and wolfy. i didn't get if this is surprise party night or not :D i guess if it is i should not say anything except humbly ask time/place, and you let wolfy know what he should know (and what will that be?). anywhoo i'm going to loiter around my dept until whenever you need.

@hyena: no, this is not surprise party night, the reason being you know in advance we're going out. :p
i'll meet you both by 7.30pm by your former uni grounds, then we'll talk about your surprise party. :D

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