Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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rahvin, i trust your judgement. my dad found your "obscure clothing" line hilarious and i did too :lol: of course you'll come see me whenever you like and we'll drop postcards to a certain someone asking who's got the cool flat in rome now ;)

I am very fine... well i have been more than fine at least for two months now...
But anyway...this thread seems to be popular..
Maybe this could be..
I feel like a punching bag...
I keep getting hit, and I keep coming back. It's playful, and the person hitting me for fun, enjoys it.
However, on wednesday, they accidentally pierced me. The sand has been completely emptied, and I just hang there - not alive as before.
I was hit a few times, but this time I didn't have the strength or momentum to come back. I just stood there... empty.
i'm quite content as well. next week is my big goodbye-party with loads of old friends... the week after i will perform my last gig with my current band :cry:, and in between i still need to get an appartment till 01.10. at the latest :/
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
@xeno: You feel like robbing the bank now? :lol: Sorry for that money thing...:cry:

It's okay. I'm wokring again now (as of yesterday), so it should be correctable... But yeah, it sucks... all the guitars I could buy or the vacations. :cry:

Oh well.
I feel...
Hmmm...don't know where that comes from, guess I'm in competition with Than for biggest spammer :D
On a more serious note, I'm feeling kinda and my friends are all going our seperate ways for uni, and the way I'm going is going to take me furthest of all (i.e. another continent), and I'm pretty sure I won't see many of them again.
Sigh, end of an era, and its kinda sickly-sweet.
i feel quiet but at the same time a bit disturbed but the placid way things are going in my life. and yes, a bit like dark_jester i have the feeling an era is coming to an end. likely i will spend my time in this city without seeing many ppl, and next to none of them will be close friends.
still, it's not as acrid as i thought it could be...

i feel exactly "bubu". i had my first training day today, and i am already horribly tired - maybe it was the initial tension, or at least i hope so. everything is cool and interesting, not least the fact that i am in an all-male class, me and 17 guys. unfortunately most of them are lawyers and this makes for a bunch of self-centered and way too talkative people, but i will get rid of them as soon as training's over. this morning we got the introductory speech of one of the guys in charge and it was pretty amazing, the other lectures were okay as well even though it was all legal stuff and of course the lawyers got all excited and i couldn't understand a word. well, tomorrow is another day and it's economics so i hope they will shut the collective fuck up. i can't believe there's people who introduce themselves saying "hi, my name is ... and i'm a lawyer".
we are not being treated as full-fledged members of the gang so far, since we are not until signing the contract, and that's after training ends. this is pretty frustrating since we don't get internet access and we've got to get a day pass every single day to be admitted into the space fortress that is disguised as a training center, but there's some sense to it.
more news as they come.

Originally posted by hyena
bla, bla, bla ... me and 17 guys... bla, bla .... and of course the lawyers got all excited and i couldn't understand a word

Completely normal. I don't understand it either, I can't get excited surrounded just by 16 guys and a hyena (and isn't hard for me to get excited, I tell you) :lol:

Well, after the stupid joke my mind developed, I also wanna ask Rahvin for more info. Cryptic writtings wasn't a bad album at all, but in Rahvin's hands it's kinda vexing. :p :)

|ngenius (A Megadeth fan)
oh, i hated that megadeth record.. :bah:
no big explanations for the feelings i mentioned - or my poor grammar in the previous message -, it's just that i'm sometimes awash in memories and i try to focus on different moments in my life past, in order to make it all make some kind of sense. it's not that it lacks circumstantial meaning, but the whole process of change and the moving of events challenges my views of metaphysics and my very notions of reasons/order/pattern, hence my feeling disquiet. but i'm too tired to delve further down into this.

I feel like shit......because im going to miss DT/InFlames/Sentenced......due to lack of funds and time :mad: Someone hold me :cry:

F_V (Sob......sob......sob)
Cryptic Writings? hahahaha it sucked |ng.

@Hyena, sounds frustrating, but nothing a well rounded, and educated person cant handle ;).

@Rahvin, go to sleep :p

@Sean, sorry to hear that man, if it helps, I have to work on the day DT is coming ot town :( :(

and my day is ok.

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