Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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of course you understand, you ate all the merchandise, you fucking pig :mad:

@xeno: are you developing a ferret fetish? :p
Originally posted by rahvin
@dark_jester; @nicktheclayman: i won't go through the trouble of getting you banned, after all it could be worse, you could be homophobes or something. but tonight it's the belt for you, nick, sorry. :p
It's good rahvin isn't going to ban our official forum couple. :p

Not all boards are that kind...
The warning on the Neopets (site I visit) board:

To keep Neopets clean there are a few things that are not allowed, including the posting of any sexual or offensive content, attempts to use Neopets as a virtual dating service, chat about how "hot" anyone is, or attempts to scam, cheat, spam, or try to find out someone else's password.

I understand this as it is a site for kids. I just feel very grateful we don't have those type of rules here. I would have been banned a long time ago. :lol:
I feel crappy, this flu is worse and on top of that I am having weird mood swings too, earlier I was pissed off at everything and now I am feeling all blah.
@mousewings: i suggest that board should have its moderators banned: i can clearly see these filthy pedophiles drooling like mad just writing the restrictive forum rules, insisting on how "hot" is prohibited while jerking off (warning! sexual reference here!) to some kid's profile screen. :lol:

Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
I surely am :eek: :dopey:

Yes, I am new to ferrets, but I think one is an imposter. :p

Originally posted by mousewings
It's good rahvin isn't going to ban our official forum couple. :p

:eek: I stop skimming the boards for a bit and all of the sudden nick and D_J are the official forum couple.....who would thunk? :p

F_V (thunk?)
spiders are cutey. :dopey: it's those butterflies that fly only at night, the ones with hairy bodies that i can't really stand. thank god rei toei's cat eats 'em as soon as he sees them around.

We're not a's just a case of me using him for casual sex and him getting bitter about it relationship beyond lust is involved...not on my part anyway, dunno bout Nick ;)
Lol, you mean moths Rahvin? It's mosquitoes I really hate...
@dark_jester: ok, english lesson #67098, insects... erm, i thought moths were like bitemes, very small and fly-like black thingies. but maybe it's just me trying to avoid the words to define what scaries me the most. ;) are moths huge, brown, furry flying beasts that flutter their wings like crazy bubu?

Yep, they're the ones :D
With the biteme's you're thinking of 'midges' (not midgets, oh great dwarf lord :D). They are irritating, but moths are fairly harmless...might I suggest investing in a can of deoderant? It works on them quite effectively :lol:
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