Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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oh. i was already hoping. by the way, did i mention that friday we're out with mother ocean, if you can? more drinking! woho. i'll pass the info on to wolfy.

Well, I will steal the words of an italian friend of mine to answer the main question of this thread. How do I feel? "Alive, as long as I breathe". And that's true.

|ngenius (What's a picture when you're blind?)
Rahvin, I hope that fucker gets caught or beat to death. That's just wrong. :(

Otherwise, I'm a bit thristy, so I'll grab a coke, other than huge bills, everything isn't too unbearable.
I am actually doing really good, I am soon getting out of the crasp of that evil M$-Empire, as Mandrake Linux 9.0 Final is supposed to be out on the 16th. I am getting money soon to get rid of my loan, will keep the other one so that I have some reason to work, I could pay it off, but um I suck at saving money, so it's better to keep the money I get and pay the loan monthly :lol:
I also have a third reason, which I won't mention here.
Oh and planning to go see DT at Malmö, if I get the tickets somewhere and going to visit a friend in Copenhagen during that trip too, well 2 friends actually.

Now, if only I could get another job I would be nearly perfect, possibly in Ireland.
me: possibly the first time in my life when i could properly affirm i am "flabbergasted". i'm happy that i'm moving, and it's so very me having to change life plans in something like 72 hours. i am also managing to do all the small things on time and to embarass rahvin by asking him to take me out to dinner - still, of course there's a quota of inherent weirdness that i'm missing on. it will be clearer along the way. i hope that on day one i will meet a number of good-looking guys.

actually he could have come up with something better. :rolleyes:

today i'm feeling tired but satisfied of my accomplishments, ie, getting up and driving here without doing anything utterly silly. i'm happy for hyena and i'm also willing to try and take her out to dinner somewhere - do you know of a high brow restaurant in turin, btw? :) - but i'm also melancholic because she'll be away soon and i'm gonna see her less often, at least at first. come to think of it, there's not many ppl left for me to go out with here in my hometown, which is a clear sign i have to move soon too. ;)

@rahve: do you want to start a bashing Nick challenge? you can still go out with your friend Ilaria ;)

I'm feeling happy today as well, I can't tell why but :)
Ok, I was late for work cos I felt like shit in the morning and the extra hour made me feel a bit better. I hate this time of fall, people are sick a lot and they make me sick, I have a feeling I will be sick all weekend and go to work on monday all crappy :lol:
@rahvin: :lol: Yeah, it could be. If you're on a modem. I'm not. The pain and agony of those 24 hours were of a different kind than digital. But you probably figured that out already. ;)

@xenophobe: Ouch, that has to hurt...
@xeno: You feel like robbing the bank now? :lol: Sorry for that money thing...:cry:

I'm a bit happy and I can take it little easier now, I got the results of the first parts of my exams, and they went pretty well, now I'm getting ready for the second parts. Hope they go well too.
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