Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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confused. a guy i like is maybe hitting on me and a guy i don't like is hitting on me, but i am afraid to go out with the former so i go for drinks with the other. why is everyone buying me dozens of drinks? i need to rethink my strategy, drinking can't be absolute priority :lol:
i want some totally different kind of man. oh man.

The "I wanna drink more, please" strategy seems to be a bit... inefficient (quite predictable, in fact). What about a straight proposal? Hint: "Hi, guy, it seems you're interested on me, stop suffering: make me yours".

@Hyena: Really? I thought there were two guys, one you're interested and the other you can use as a "tampax" (I mean, you can go out with him to do everything but to have sex). Anyway, if you don't like him, choose another guy and tell to "the parasite" about your extreme interest for this new guy. That's the common technique women use to unfold in these cases.

|ngenius (Strange...)
Originally posted by |ngenius
Anyway, if you don't like him, choose another guy and tell to "the parasite" about your extreme interest for this new guy. That's the common technique women use to unfold in these cases.

that's the way i like it: cynical and sarcastical. the good robot is definitely showing he's got b0lls and he's prepared to use em! let's see what's next... ;) :loco:

Originally posted by Zero888
kinda sad, im getting mixed vibes from this girl, dont know whether i should go for her or not....

I say go for it man...unless one side of the mixed vibe is utter disgust :lol: Nah, man you have nothing to lose and if your not a shy guy shouldnt be a problem ;) If you are.....than god save you :p

As for my happy.....very happy :D

F_V (riding that wave....)
I am still sick and at home, was at work yesterday felt like shit the whole day, coughing my ass off.
And of course I am pissed off cos I found out yesterday that I have to push my vacation back a week, so I pretty much go to Finland and turn back after the Satyricon concert, of course this gives me more time after I get back from Denmark, but still.

On other notes, got my FreeBSD 2nd Ed. Handbook today, so hope to get to read that soon, installed WinDoze 2k again and it's running very smooth now (writing this in Mozilla 1.1 which I love) and later today I will install Mandrake Linux on the 140GB I have left :lol:
Now I must order more music.
i am stupid.
i am fairly drunk and i have to wake up early tomorrow. what a dickhead.
The classrooms this morning were cold as ice ( and this is very strange 'cause now outside it's quite warm) and now i'm "studying" every single microscopic bone of the human body since i don't remember anything from last year and tomorrow i have a test...
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