Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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of course i woke with a hangover and the bad thing is that it's not gone yet. i did some weirdo stuff in the afternoon but it's all gone now :lol:

@hyena: Drunked? Was it a special technique to avoid (in a state of counsciousness) your particular parasite? ;) C'mon, girl, you're young and wild, to be constantly drunked is a priceless part of this golden age. :p

|ngenius (Chupi)
My morning class was cancelled, so I was happy although I didn't get any work done (even if I have a lot). I also don't want to go to my afternoon class... my thumb hurts too.
Well, despite staying up too late last night at The End Records, and ordering too much stuff, I feel pretty good, and actually managed to make it to work in decent time...
ben -> i am absolutely happy for you :D
hilj -> cats are extra cool, i will soon have one named donald, you should be happy you got a tiny one :)

hyena (radio punk, radio skin)
I don't like my job and I think I'm not gonna go anymore.

Yes, I saw the movie again last nite and concidering I have had one day of work in the last 2 weeks it kinda fits (yeah, ok, I been sick, but still...) :lol:
FUUUUCK I hate Windoze, it's so nice that when you install a program it fucks up all the settings you have made and doesn't even bother asking you.
I am so fucking glad when my internet bank actually realizes that IE is not the most secury browser, cos that is the only thing thats keeping me from deleting Windoze all together.
I am also glad I have payed one red cent for this piece of shit OS.
Hmm...feeling kinda bummed out today :D
Little did I realise until now that the law faculty is like 100% preppy (i.e. identical cream trousers, nike jackets, short hair and baseball caps). The guys won't look at me, let alone talk to me :lol: Am I really THAT hideous? ;)
Gettin on ok with the ladies though, although all of em talk about a guy back home :rolleyes: lets see, what else...oh yeah, went out drinkin with this Finnish girl whose part of the course I'm on, but got the cold shoulder today, go figure :lol:
It'll get better though, I think
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Hmm...feeling kinda bummed out today :D
Little did I realise until now that the law faculty is like 100% preppy (i.e. identical cream trousers, nike jackets, short hair and baseball caps

oh shit!! now i remember what i forgot to tell you the first time you mentioned studying law... :erk: :ill:

rahvin. ;)
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
oh yeah, went out drinkin with this Finnish girl whose part of the course I'm on, but got the cold shoulder today, go figure :lol:
It'll get better though, I think

Thats the finnish way, get used to it.
Why do you think I moved to Sweden? :lol:
(not that it helped me any)
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Hmm...feeling kinda bummed out today :D
Little did I realise until now that the law faculty is like 100% preppy (i.e. identical cream trousers, nike jackets, short hair and baseball caps). The guys won't look at me, let alone talk to me :lol: Am I really THAT hideous? ;)
Heh, it is the same way in my program, and most of my school. Even odder, everyone in my program has children, sigificant others, are older than me, and/or live on their own. Mostly quite the opposite of me, so it leaves me with little to talk about with my fellow classmates. Luckily, my best friend goes to the same school as me, so I occasionally see her. :)

Just be glad you have gone out drinking with someone. I've never had the opportunity, as it isn't within my "scope" to do that and no guy has ever asked me (there or anywhere)... but I would also now refuse anyways.
feeling hmm....full. Just had a big milkshake :D A litte frustrated, tried calling my girlfriend tonight when she told me to and got constant busy signals :mad:

Blah blah ;) Im generally good :D

F_V (not complaining)
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
i.e. identical cream trousers, nike jackets, short hair and baseball caps).

ehmmm... i don't know if being female makes a difference here, but this is sort of my typical look on some days. what's wrong with that? :cool:

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