Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I was supposed to see Children of Bodom, Norther, Throne of Chaos and Ensiferum yesterday. But the bouncer didn't let us in because we were too drunk...
Besides the fact that I haven't slept more than an hour and have to go to work in about 25 min I am pretty ok, finally got my Linux to boot to GNOME, of course now my fuckin USB mouse is giving it trouble, serves me right for getting a M$ mouse I guess, oh well, tomorrow I order a new keyboard and mouse.

Oh and I want the hell out of here even more now, this place is shit and I hate my job.

Fitting song too *sigh*
just woke up and feel a bit itchy today. have to take last preparations for my movement in another town tomorrow. most of the things are already packed and this place isn't very comfortable right now...
Weeelll, got back home yesterday about 17:00, went to sleep until 19:00, had something to eat and watched some stupid show, went back to sleep at 19:30, slept until 8:30 this morning and still wanted to sleep more. I am beginning to think I have bear genes, wanting to do nothing but sleep during winters :D
Anyway, back at the job I hate, woopii ;)
Well, I saw Kreator, Destruction and Cephalic Carnage on Sunday night.... got home at 2am and had to wake up at 7am for work... so yesterday was kind of a blur...

But went to sleep early last night, and now after my morning cup of coffee (20oz) I'll have another and be good for the day!

Argh, I was rushing to get to school early and forgot to put on any makeup (well, only eyeshadow), only body glitter and perfume. Didn't forget the sunscreen though, and I do have lipgloss; it's just that my face feels bare without the eyeshadow stuff. :/

This has been another useless post. :lol:
one single word to describe how i feel: stupid.

this morning we had a class taught by a dwarf. what is the world coming to?

Fuckkkkkkk!!! :mad: Today at school the gym teacher had the "good" idea to go bring us at the stadium to make gym instead of our gym hall at school, well she (and my classmates) took the bus and didn't check that me and 2 friends of mine were still arranging our things in the classroom. So they went there and then that teacher phoned at school screaming that we weren't there and the school phoned our parents at work WITHOUT check that we were at school and moreover they didn't remember that we told to the administration all the story immediately when they were just went away and we figured out that they were gone.
Luckily we set all right soon but i was so angry!!!

Oh nice thing today is that i'll change section(?) at school, no more architecture!
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