Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@Hiljainen: Really? Did they phone your parents? These things never happened to me, those glorious days when we used to go to the beach instead of assist to our classes. :)

Originally posted by |ngenius
@Hiljainen: Really? Did they phone your parents? These things never happened to me, those glorious days when we used to go to the beach instead of assist to our classes. :)


Yes, they did :mad: luckily i was right 'cause the teacher didn't wait all of my parents were not angry..:)
see? i was angry, depressed, and now rahvin sent me an email which has me in fits of laughter although it says horrible stuff. :lol: :lol: :lol:
it's nice to have nice friends.

hell i finally managed to move out and now reside in a luxury 16m² apartment. the music's already up and the internet works as well, as you can see. i as well met some cool people around here, so it couldn't be better right now... and i don't need dial-up connections ever again :)
@Dwarf: Oh, you were talking about that kind of e-mail... No, I'm not so interested, I've got my own stupid stories. :p :lol:

@Siren: ;)

|ngenius (A good but a bit human robot...)
@Sun: Thanks but i'm not back.. yet, at least ;)

@|ng: No, it's not what you think.. :rolleyes: :p
@|ng: But it's not the vague things that passed through your mind either! And we all know what kind of thoughts pass through robots' heads usually... :rolleyes: :D

Siren (glad to have been back for few hours, diving in my book..err.. in my sea again ;))
@Siren: You're not back..? But then how do you leave messages here? Ghost typing or what? :p

As for the 'shrooms... which kind should be aware of your ongoing killing spree? :p
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