Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Argh, I feel kind of depressed/sick right now for a few reasons. :\

I think it will pass though...
Well, without going too much into gory details, life pretty much suck right now. The only thing I have to look forward to now is my holiday.
it's 7:58am, i'm alone in my office for the rest of the day until 5:30pm, it rains heavily outside and my head's about to burst. i'm sleepy and my eyes hurt from staring at the screen. my sight is sort of blurred around the corners and sitting still at my desk emphasizes a feeling of cold.

this is not what i'd recommend doing for a living. :cry:

Well, yesterday I got some great news at work, apparently People don't like me cos I have long black hair, wear nothing but black and swear a lot. That made my day, cos quite frankly I don't like People either. Who is this People anyway, you always here so much talk of him, it's like People this, People that, People blah blah, who is this People? All I know he has a huge family, I mean you hear People getting killed all the time...

*decides to cut down on the coffee and coke and maybe try to sleep more*
Well my life basically took a turn for the worse in the past 6 hours. My aunt is going to die either today, or tomorrow. She has lung cancer and I was just at her house for about 4 hours with my mother and grandmother.

Nick(very fucking sad)
my grandmother died of cancer in november 1998. it was awful and it marred the good times i had had with her with a taint i dare not say. she is still one of the two people i think about most often, among those who are not here with me one way or the other. i won't rant about the positive aspects of remembrance because, frankly, there are none for you at the moment. but enduring and caring for those memories and trying to bear a part of the burden ourselves is imo the most decent, most valuable thing to do.
aside from that, try to empty your mind since there'll be time enough to think about it later.

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