Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I'm now unemployed. I hate meeting new people. Dark Tranquility's no longer touring with Arch Enemy, which makes me angry. DT is being replaced by God Forbid on said AE tour, which makes me even more aggitated. The new Bloodbath CD is killer. I'm tired of waiting for the new Opeth. I want to win the lottery so I never have to work again, thus allowing me to sit around all day, playing guitar and listening to music.

It's raining outside, so it's a dark day and i have to draw a ulna and a radius (hope the names are right:confused: ) for tomorrow....the drawings on my book aren't clear so i had to look for them on internet....luckily i found two good pictures...i want to sleep! :(
nick, I am very sorry to hear about your situation.
in other matters, would you all please quit saying that life sucks? in particular:
1) hiljainen, at least you can draw, this is not a small talent :)
2) salamy: and don't you feel incredibly tr00 and against the system because of that? ;)
3) elysian: see it this way. no job, more time to listen to the Bloodbath CD. I wouldn't necessarily want to do that, but apparently you like it
4) rahvin, stop whining altogether, you're seeing me in less than a week. you should be :hotjump: ing around :lol:

hyena (me, i had the last interview, and i did quite badly)
:) Aahh finally i finished that drawing and......:Smug: i started with another one to finish tomorrow afternoon at school..
Anyway...good thing: tomorrow i will be out of school early at 3,25 pm
I'm afraid school is filling my head... o_O
respiratory allergy + the flu + cough = somebody please kill me :ill:

I know how rahvin felt a few weeks ago when he had it...peace :cry:
argh i have to (no i don't HAVE to, but i'd be mad if i did not) visit some pre-uni-course in mathematics to get prepared for the real stuff. and already this pre-course totally pisses me off... good thing i only need math in the first 2 semesters, hopefully i will get through them.
@thanatos: drink some warm beer, it's like a miracle
yeah, disgusting, but helpful against things like that. just like any other medecine

np: totenmond - die membranen
Originally posted by rahvin
@hiljainen: you mean you spend the whole afternoon drawing various bones in the human body? :eek: is this some kind of punishment for bad karma? :p


I must know the names too, included processes and so on.....i never thought there were at least 10 different parts in a vertebra :loco:
I´m not feeling too good... i´ve been little bit depressed for few days now.. sometimes i´m better and sometimes i´m worse.
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