Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: exhausted! and still somewhat dizzy from the sleep loss... plus various body parts are aching (hey I've been "sleeping" while sitting for the last 4 days or so). but I'm GREAT otherwise! :D Roskilde was absolutely fan-fucking-tastic, I had the best time!
And I don't care what anybody says, Metallica rules and rules again, anyone who saw them on the 26th will know what I mean. Hell yeah! :D
just came home from the (last) oral exam, it went well, i answered to all the questions correctly except for a couple of names that i had some problems to remember. the italian teacher told me that the total of all the exams should be about 80/100 or something less/more, it can change. damn, the other day i bet with a friend that it wouldn't be more than 70 :p

ah and i know the biggest cause of the low result in written exams, the drawing teacher says that i can draw but that drawing isn't the best i could do, so she put the lowest grade.
the funny thing is that the problem should be the position of the model that she says was bad, but it was the teacher herself that put the model in that position :rolleyes: ah she can fuck off, i have a good grade anyway :Spin:
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Hehe cool (y) Hiljainen
I will take drawing next year as well :cool: In that case I will be special case tho, cos I am doing VWO which is.. Some sort of gymnasium, without Greek, and therefore, we can't do drawing :( But I can, next year :cool: I'll have to do two HAVO years in one tho, but ah, no problem, I think.

I got an 9.3 out of ten for my German oral exam! :cool: Woooooooot :D :D
And now I've finally got VACATION!!!! :D
Thursday I am gonna collect my grades.
*eats a muffin*
i was about to go to summerbreeze this year, but finally decided against, since they're almost equal in band-line up (bands that i want to see).
and now i know it was the best decision i made in a longer time :D
Tristessa said:
Bored...I'm in the office with nothing to do
study for my exam? pretty please? *flatters eyelashes*

@Wazoo: How are Greek and drawing connected? They're both perceived as a form of art? :D
Hehe, no: Greek is too difficult and drawing too easy? Which is both FALSE!
But.. It seems to be the way our school thinks.. :Smug:
It doesn't think in terms like art u_u,, Unfortunately

I really looking forward to it :D

Oooh good luck with your exam :)

*wishes everyone good luck with tests and exams* (cos mine are oooover for this year and I am very pleased with that altho it wasn't that hard :p)
May thunders and lightnings come to ye all :cool:
Ooooh and I saw a rainbow today! It was soo big and beautifull... It was a big bow (arc?) across the half of the horizon (as far as I could see)

Like those, a bit:
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