Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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It's Wazoo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi!!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
How are ya?

NF: Happy that Wazoo is back. :D
NF: :blush: (I bet this one wont work, but anyyywayy)
(Edit: Lol! Its the only one THAT works.. wtf)+
Well I never really left :p
I just didnt feel like posting :|
(but in my heaaaart (8) I still was here, lol :p)
I'm fine, thnx
How is you? And the forum?
(Anyone died in the meanwhile? :rolleyes:
Always those down-y-posts..:p)
The Grand Wazoo said:
well, it was less cryptic than 90% of the "i'm blue because something i won't tell just happened"/"i'm grinning and showing my incomprehensible overexcitement by adding random smilies even when the server is only showing red crosses" posts i see above me.
rahvin said:
well, it was less cryptic than 90% of the "i'm blue because something i won't tell just happened"/"i'm grinning and showing my incomprehensible overexcitement by adding random smilies even when the server is only showing red crosses" posts i see above me.

: lol:
I am trying to cut it down, you know..
I'm just failing. *grin* (look! no smiley there!)

I just wondered how someone could be so cool and post such a message, with such a content, and the same time saying we're so happy. I am just sorta happy. Not überhappy and not overexcited (wish I was :P)(sorry couldnt resist that one)(the smiley I mean). To which Hyena gave the answer, ...

The Grand Wazoo said:
NF: :blush: (I bet this one wont work, but anyyywayy)
(Edit: Lol! Its the only one THAT works.. wtf)+
Well I never really left :p
I just didnt feel like posting :|
(but in my heaaaart (8) I still was here, lol :p)
I'm fine, thnx
How is you? And the forum?
(Anyone died in the meanwhile? :rolleyes:
Always those down-y-posts..:p)

I'm doing pretty damn good now that you're back.
:cool: :Spin: :wave:
NF: Quite alright, although all the fingerprints on my print are making me annoyed so I'll have to clean them soon.

Rahvin, I thought you'd like to know that my mother brought home with her from the supermarket: one pineapple.
I actually had nothing to do with it, I'm afraid. However, I can still exert some influence on its use. What do you suggest??
I have performed my own independent study and determined that, indeed, pineapple is the yummiest fruit.

NF: not so great. a combination of a bunch of things, really. facing things i didn't want to have to about myself and just confusion in general. and, surprisingly, it doesn't all rotate about my relationship, though that is a part of it. blah.

NF: happy : spin: but i don't want to bore people here endlessly with silly fluffy bubu thoughts :blush:
And the flu is already over, apart for annoying nose problems, this is the fastest flu i've ever had.
I'll have a relaxing evening not worrying about the exam tomorrow, it's the first time i almost didn't need to study and i am not worried about an exam.

Too bad i don't have pineapple :(
Hej, Hiljainen's got exams also!
Hope youve done well : )

Ive been preparing myself for the last exam, tomorrow:
I drank French wine *smile*
That should do the trick..
(pff only some texts, shouldnt be too hard)

NF: Kinda tired :/
Had two trainings today, but it didnt go to well.. I was tired when I started I spose
The Grand Wazoo said:
Hej, Hiljainen's got exams also!
Hope youve done well : )
Thank you, i hope so for you too :)
actually we already know that we'll pass, cause this is just a plus-year, we already graduated last year and if they want to fail us now they don't even admit us at the exam. to fail the exam once we're admitted we'd have to stand there without saying a single word, and the stuff, except for math, is very very easy, especially english, thanks to UM :grin:
nf: drunk.
i'm not sure why i decided to get drunk on a wednesday night. it's quite unadvisable considering some 10 hours of work are waiting for me tomorrow, but i suppose the "oh, fuck it" part of me won this time.

i'm going to call my friend sara in a short while. for some reason i see this as a major achievement. though i could have called her at any given time in the past 3 years or so and she would have taken my call on every single occasion. thing is, i tend to divide the world in those who are waiting eagerly to talk to me and those who are not. sara is certainly not in the first group, but not being in the second seems quite enough for tonight. i do need to talk - in fact, i need company, but that's too much to ask - and damn sure i'll be as irrationally clingy as i feel like in just a few minutes. so there. meh. :(
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