Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Décadent said:
Digging into the archives now...


Yeah... that guy. I was pretty drunk and pretty happy to meet him... as you can see.

This picture is just fucking hilarious. He looks like he's a bit far gone too. Did you just walk up to his car?
Susperia said:
what my bangs? Yeah my boyfriend tells me the same thing.

And The Greys: Your hair color doesn't exactly make you attractive or unattractive... Unless you have some weird personal dislike for blondes.

*tries to get the peanut butter stuck on the roof of my mouth off*

I notice people with certain hair have certain facial features. I think someones natural hair color and how they look are dictated by one another.

Blondes tend to have plain/boring or stereotypical faces. I'm not saying I have never seen an hot blonde female or anything. I was more into blonde females when younger, i'm into brunettes.
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