Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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I hate hippies. Don't ever call me one again.

I do think Sykosami is cute/pretty, but she's not gorgeous or anything. And I'm the same way. I'm cute/pretty, but not gorgeous. Christ.

If you want to ''compare and contrast" us, go right ahead, but I'll have nothing to fucking do with it. Though I know how you men love to pick apart and size women up. Have fun.
Susperia said:
I hate hippies. Don't ever call me one again.

I do think Sykosami is cute/pretty, but she's not gorgeous or anything. And I'm the same way. I'm cute/pretty, but not gorgeous. Christ.

If you want to ''compare and contrast" us, go right ahead, but I'll have nothing to fucking do with it. Though I know how you men love to pick apart and size women up. Have fun.
and I know how you hippies love to generalize
Susperia said:
It's called I worked all day and now I come home to this. So I needed to bitch about men. I feel better now, so you can go away.
working sucks. I have to not only work 10 hour days of physical work starting at 7, but get cheated out of money by my boss, the state, and the federal government
I'm just curious, Sus, (and this isn't meant to poke fun or anything) but do you have a lot of female friends? If so, are they like minded?

(again, I'm being serious)
Susperia said:
I hate hippies. Don't ever call me one again.

I do think Sykosami is cute/pretty, but she's not gorgeous or anything. And I'm the same way. I'm cute/pretty, but not gorgeous. Christ.

If you want to ''compare and contrast" us, go right ahead, but I'll have nothing to fucking do with it. Though I know how you men love to pick apart and size women up. Have fun.

Because women would never do that to men, right?

(HINT: 98.8% of all daytime TV, targeted at vapid, bored housewives would contradict that notion).
unknown said:
I'm just curious, Sus, (and this isn't meant to poke fun or anything) but do you have a lot of female friends? If so, are they like minded?

(again, I'm being serious)

A lot? No. I'm not the type of person to have ''a lot" of anything. I was never the ''popular" kid at school, and I have the feeling that most of us here are/were the same way.

I have a few very close friends, and I don't know what you mean by like minded. Do you mean they think they're equal to men? Yeah. They do.

edit: Most of my peers admire me for my work and are often curious of me, but I don't usually open myself to people. Unless I see a reason to.
Carcassian said:
Because women would never do that to men, right?

(HINT: 98.8% of all daytime TV, targeted at vapid, bored housewives would contradict that notion).

Females ''compare and contrast" their own sex and males more than we do.
Sometimes eating in the morning is fucking disgusting.

I drink tons of coffee and make riffs. Making riffs on the guitar after 2,3 cups of coffee is the best. My picking is faster(no joke).
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i stard my day with just 1 cup but.... there is more coffee than water :D:D in poland we call this SATAN.
you can belive me, just one cup and you feel like youre high on speed or something like this. it works like 5 red Bulls.

Coffee- steroids for musicans?!?!:headbang: :kickass:
Susperia said:
A lot? No. I'm not the type of person to have ''a lot" of anything. I was never the ''popular" kid at school, and I have the feeling that most of us here are/were the same way.

I have a few very close friends, and I don't know what you mean by like minded. Do you mean they think they're equal to men? Yeah. They do.

edit: Most of my peers admire me for my work and are often curious of me, but I don't usually open myself to people. Unless I see a reason to.

When I said "like minded" I meant they share the same values and ideas that you do. And yeah...I don't think most of us were the popular kids at high school.

It makes me hyperactive. I think the extra sugar rids my depression for a bit because if I go into town or something i'm not paranoid or nor do I have an anxiety.

Since I started drinking coffee 10 weaks ago I feel so much better. Drinking coffee when it's raining or when you just get some feeling of despair helps A LOT.
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