Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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swizzlenuts said:
Fuck sugar in Coffee... I Just want it fucking black and dark... and it makes metal the best...
Sometimes I drink it black, sometimes with cream and lots of sugar. Depends on my mood.
unknown said:
same here. I like the smell of it, but I can't stand the taste of it.

1. fill a coffee cup with regular coffee that was just brewed.

2. get a small spoon

3. two small spoon fills of sugar

4. half a spoonful of hazelnut

5. Alittle bit of half & half
i dont understand how you can live without coffee... i dont talk about the taste. I cant even think without my morning coffee. its like the Morning Toilet Ritual.
Every morning i do the same:
1. spend 20minutes in the toilet (you know for what...)
2. drink some Divine Coffee
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