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o rly

edit: The Greys, either drink some more coffee, or lay the fuck off it. Dressing like a sleaze or not has barely anything to do with religion these days. At least not outside of bumfuck New York.
So if someone does not cover their entire body they are a sleaze ?. That makes a lot of sense.
You basically judged an entire group of people by them exposing their stomach... THEIR STOMACHS.....HA. You sound like someones mother or one of my christian aunts.

This is a metal forum and this seems like it would be a more proper right place for you.
^^ The greys, You judge me every fucking day. Just because I said they PROBABLY don't have self respect?? Give me a fucking break.

I've been an athiest for 5 years, you've what, just realized god doesn't exist? I hate how all new atheists are always so OBSESSED with everything Christian, and anythign even remotely similar to Christian ethics they have a god damn field day with.

And btw, I do show plenty of skin. I just don't bare my private parts to every male I see walking down the street. Or my co-workers. Well fancy that.
Susperia said:
^^ The greys, You judge me every fucking day. Just because I said they PROBABLY don't have self respect?? Give me a fucking break.

I've been an athiest for 5 years, you've what, just realized god doesn't exist? I hate how all new atheists are always so OBSESSED with everything Christian, and anythign even remotely similar to Christian ethics they have a god damn field day with.

And btw, I do show plenty of skin. I just don't bare my private parts to every male I see walking down the street. Or my co-workers. Well fancy that.

No one bares private parts walking down the street unless they are crazy or something. A stomach is not a private part nor are arms and legs.

I was not raised by religious parents so I never had any beliefs or new about things like that up until a certain point. I eventually starting going back between if god existed or not. I never should have said I was an atheist because that makes you think about things more regarding religion,etc.. it's a belief regardless if you believe in a god or not. Something like this is almost a belief in a religous sense because you choose not to believe in something that is passed by religion, so you are interacting with religious beliefs by questioning the existence of religous things.

Regardless that you claim you are atheist you have religious views regardless if you realize it or not. I was not raised religous and can tell because I have some family who have similiar views to yours that are religous or raised by parents who passed things to them that were religion and morally proper in that sense.

Regardless that I might be an 'athiest' shorter than you I never had the burden of religion being passed on me since birth. Regardless that you can decide in it or not when you are old enough to realize it's something that still rubs off in your system because after all religion is something you either have or not. Converting to something does not always mean someone is religious regardless that they just started going to church,etc..

You seem religous to me by just little things you have said since posting regardless you being an atheist. I don't want to assume to much but you say things that fit religous stereotypes. You might aswell claim your religion.
Teh Grimace said:
lawl why would you argue with the greys...

it's like punching a brick...

:lol: thats your best comment in a while.

the way susperia feels when she is arguing with the greys, is how i feel when im arguing with susperia. NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND MY PAIN?
The Greys, I don't believe in any god or Creator, therefore I'm an atheist. Sorry I don't fit your perfect little stereotype of what an atheist should act like.

Your posts make my eyes and brain hurt.

I don't need religion to be a moral and good person. That's the fucking point. Religion and morality ARE NOT THE SAME THING. Do you realize this?

I show my arms and legs every fucking day, as well as a lot of neck, and my clothes usually "accentuate" my figure. How the fuck do I dress like a pilgrim?? God you're getting to me.

In the fall/winter I'm usually wearing a band sweatshirt with pants or a long skirt. By your reasoning, that makes me both religious and extremely conservative because I'm not showing skin.
Susperia said:
I don't need religion to be a moral and good person. That's the fucking point. Religion and morality ARE NOT THE SAME THING. Do you realize this?.

Both go hand and hand. Religion are the rules and guildlines that taught people what is morally good and bad. Why do you think someone can be good or morally bad or why the term is used(religion). Really strict moral bounds and guildiness is the samething as religion. Anyone that is trying to control or bound someone is a religion. Morals are used so religion can make people feel bad about themselves or question themselves about their actions. It's another brainwash form of guilt to make people obey and do what you want.

n 1: concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct [ant: immorality] 2: motivation based on ideas of right and wrong


Since you disagree explain why.
^^I never said they weren't related you moron.

I said they're not the same thing! You can be a moral and good person without the 10 commandments telling you how to not piss off God.

Religion is basically a way to get the masses to comply with those higher up, and to keep the stupid in line. (i.e. People who cannot decide on their own what is moral and immoral, or are too stupid to make the right decisions. They must be scared into it.) However, just because you aren't religous that doesn't make you an immoral brute.

edit: thanks...
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