Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Susperia said:
I show my arms and legs every fucking day, as well as a lot of neck, and my clothes usually "accentuate" my figure. How the fuck do I dress like a pilgrim?? God you're getting to me.

In the fall/winter I'm usually wearing a band sweatshirt with pants or a long skirt. By your reasoning, that makes me both religious and extremely conservative because I'm not showing skin.

So are you for or against showing skin? Arm and neck skin is ok but stomack skin makes you a tramp/stupid, where's the logic in that?
PanzerKunt said:
So are you for or against showing skin? Arm and neck skin is ok but stomack skin makes you a tramp/stupid, where's the logic in that?

It's right behind the stupidity and lack of reason.
Stomaches are a highly erotic zone that should only be shown discreetly and at the right place/time.

So you really see no difference between an womans arm and a woman's stomach?
Susperia said:
Stomaches are a highly erotic zone that should only be shown discreetly and at the right place/time.

Not really no. It's not a penis/vagina/breasts/ass therefore is not a sexual object. Basically, when it comes to the human body, if you can't put a penis in it and it can't digest food, it's not sexual.

Susperia said:
So you really see no difference between an womans arm and a woman's stomach?

One makes bitchy, annoying hand gestures and one makes erotic gyrations (BUT IT'S NOT A SEXUAL OBJECT).
What would you know about gyrations Matthew?

My shirts came today.

I painted a black football player at work today. I got too close so it's blurry, damnit.

This argument is funny...

Susperia, for a hottie, you are also quite uh...prudish...for lack of a better word now...

And what's the deal with religion equalling morals? Fucking retard...
A stomach is not a private part. I don't see how it's any different than legs arms neck or a face. A females legs and face can be just as erotic if not more than her stomach depending on her features, does that mean females should walk around fully clothed with masks like in some weird country ?

I hate to argue about this but your view on this matter is weird as hell to me.

If a female is wearing jean shorts or just jeans exposing her legs or the shape of her ass that's a lot more erotic than a stomach. Do you think that person is sleazy or does not think highly of themselves ?

Being a 19 year old young adult I don't want to walk around seeing girls dressed like it's 1800 or like 30 year olds. Maybe since you are a female you don't understand. i'm not sure

Conservative dressing is more adult like and some of us don't want to be grown up yet or like that. It's not weird for a young person to dress to feel young good or want someone to notice them.
Tell me Greys, do you know which ''weird countries" are still making their women citizens dress under veils? I'd honestly love to see you to name them.
Probably Iran,etc..

Knowing the countries names are not the point. The point is it's still happening. You being from the US and 21 years old should not have a similiar thoughts process to people like those that think females should be covered because it's weird. I could see if you were 35 and you had a younger daughter you would tell her not to show her stomach until she was old enough. We have a democracy and someone is not sleazy or has a low self-esteem for exposing their stomach. People have been doing this since the 70's.

Stop acting older than you are. You think you know it all
Holy shit I'm not even going to bother anymore. If you honestly think that I have the same beliefs as them that women should walk around with veils covering their identities, then you're fucking dumb as a doornail Cody. I'm sorry, but you've been so fucking dense and dumb tonight.

A page later and you still don't get it.
I didn't even bother reading the names other than Afganistan, which I thought was one, since it is similar to Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries.

But yeah, you pwned me. I didn't even fucking read the rest. Georgia. :erk:
Susperia said:
Stomaches are a highly erotic zone that should only be shown discreetly and at the right place/time.

So you really see no difference between an womans arm and a woman's stomach?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

what on earth are you on about
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