Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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There is no doubt we have a seriously worrying climatic condition going on, and each year its rate of acceleration is worse than the last.

Necuratul: I agree with you in that there are some positive things going on, but I dont think they're taking enough of a positive effect - we're acting too late.

One needs to only look progressively each year at how much worse America's hurricane season has become, how many more glaciers in Norway shrink, how much our summers here in Australia are getting hotter and hotter to see the evidence.

I would love to be more optimistic about our efforts to reverse our damage, but very sadly, I feel its simply too late. Don't get me wrong - I will continue to recycle, to continue to be more careful with water usage, etc etc.

We've fucked up. Big time, and possibly, for the last time.
Either way, the earth isn't going to be fucking destroyed by anything humans can do short of a nuclear holocaust.
Ex-cally-boo said:
Well, yes. However humans have been responsible for more negative changes than positive ones.

Self-defeatism for the fucking lose. Why don't you just off yourself, one less person polluting this planet!
Yeah, I know it won't be for a while. I will really never have to worry about it thought. But even if we can keep the Earth healthy, our star won't last forever, and we will have to find a new planet in a new solar system if we want to survive.
Yeah thats true... I dont think I can see humanity lasting that long though. We will destroy ourselves long before the sun burns out... let alone the next millennium.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Self-defeatism for the fucking lose. Why don't you just off yourself, one less person polluting this planet!

Because, as someone who cares I can't kill myself when I can try and help. Others who don't care can off themselves.
Ex-cally-boo said:
Because, as someone who cares I can't kill myself when I can try and help. Others who don't care can off themselves.

So what do you do to help? Do you clean up lakebeds?
Necuratul said:
So what do you do to help? Do you clean up lakebeds?

I do the most a kid of 16 can do to help, recycle, manage water use carefully, ride a bike to work instead of taking a car, simple things until I am able to do more.
Ex-cally-boo said:
I do the most a kid of 16 can do to help, recycle, manage water use carefully, ride a bike to work instead of taking a car, simple things until I am able to do more.

Recycling is apparently inneffective btw. It's not cost efficient, causes its own pollutants, and 40% of the shit you recycle is thrown away anyway.
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