Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Congratz Carcassian!

byrne said:
congrats carc. ill have a beer for ... well me really, but you as well i guess.


hahahahahahaha, isn't that like the cheapest beer EVER?
cheers to Carc! strong swimmers are definitely kvlt. pretty soon they'll be growin up and listening to Carcass and asking you what some other awesome death and grind bands are.

brings a tear to the eye
Susperia said:
Oh shut up you sexist idiot. It's sad that I'm the only one that ever fucking notices anything.

God... I've really started to hate you, and it's frustrating.

Some people like baby boys better than baby girls. I know it's amazing, but it's true. Baby boys are also typically easier to take care of.
Susperia said:
Oh shut up you sexist idiot. It's sad that I'm the only one that ever fucking notices anything.

God... I've really started to hate you, and it's frustrating.

these words cannot touch u...they mean nothing...
Susperia said:
Oh shut up you sexist idiot. It's sad that I'm the only one that ever fucking notices anything.

God... I've really started to hate you, and it's frustrating.

:lol: Predictable much? I'm not sexist. However, you never seem to fail to make things out as being sexist. Just like you did with IdolWarship's post, hence the "typical". Quit trying to make things they're not.
Guthrum said:
:lol: Predictable much? I'm not sexist. However, you never seem to fail to make things out as being sexist. Just like you did with IdolWarship's post, hence the "typical". Quit trying to make things they're not.

He even admitted it was not what he meant and that it looked bad.... :erk: I'm just the only one that said anything. i.e. I'm the only one who cares.
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