Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Me after a long day at work... and having had an interview for an engineering position in my dept... I hate wearing corporate clothing, I avoid it as much as possible. AGH... my girlfriend loves it though :lol:


and me in my Agalloch shirt! .. I know.. but hey, I'm actually IN the shirt in this pic :D

Most people go to college or university because they want to achieve something, not because "people/the government" expect them to do that. You act as if everyone who doesn't drop out of school and spend their whole life flipping burgers are just mindless drones doing what they are told to do when in fact the majority of those people are learning to do what they would like to do later on in their life and who will probably have a better life because of it.

And it's fair enough that you don't consider yourself dumb, I would probably not either if I were in your position. But the simple fact is if you do not learn about things and have no historical or social perspective on anything (I seem to remember you don't even follow the news) then you are basically dumb. Whether that affects your quality of life on a personal level is another matter.

I was not really implying that.

Apprently math is enough to prevent you from finding something you want to learn or be interested in so I want nothing to do with schools or colleges. Until I know why your flaw or something you don't want to learn is most important over the entire world of learning and education will not care or belong.
The Greys said:
I was not really implying that.

Apprently math is enough to prevent you from finding something you want to learn or be interested in so I want nothing to do with schools or colleges. Until I know why your flaw or something you don't want to learn is most important over the entire world of learning and education will not care or belong.

I don't really understand the second part of your post but I'm sorry you feel that simply not being good at math is some kind of obstacle for any further education. Maybe you were lead to believe that that is the way it works but it really shouldn't be and, well, isn't. My brother is rubbish at math and always has been. He studies journalism. And there are thousands of other things you could be doing that do not involve math or any kind of beta subjects in any way either. If everyone who sucks at math wouldn't be able to go to college or university or any form of education where you learn for a job that would be a pretty sad state of affairs.

Education is about finding something you are interested in (and not completely terrible at) that you want to develop further. If you really can honestly say that nothing interests you whatsoever then I don't know either. But I find that hard to believe.
The Greys, you should consider going into the construction trades. You can be an electrician, carpenter, brick layer, welder, etc. You don't have to go to college; you go through an apprenticeship program which involves mostly on the job training and a couple of classes each week. The best you have to be at math is a passing grade in algebra. After your apprenticeship is up, you'll be making good and stable money. Just a suggestion.
yeah. not everybody is made to go to college. then we wouldn't have anybody to do the blue collar jobs

but you still shouldn't make fun of those who do go to college :mad:
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