Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Fucking Bill Gates doesnt have a higher education. And there are lots of people who have gone to good univirsities and are still dumb as hell.
College isn't a bad thing, but it definately is NOT for everyone, and is often made out to be more essential than it is. I don't plan on going to college.
Impudent said:
College isn't a bad thing, but it definately is NOT for everyone, and is often made out to be more essential than it is. I don't plan on going to college.

It is essential if you want a better chance at making more money.
Right, because money is everything. I'm going to college to become a teacher, when I could probably make just as much money in some other career with just a high school diploma in my hand.
But would your chance at getting a stable job like that increase or decrease with a degree? That's his point if I read it correctly.
Spectacular Views said:
god natalie portman is so hot

i never really got the appeal and then i saw leon and wow!

I'm really worried about your sexual orientation if it took Leon to make you realise she is hot.

Perhaps you had a thing for Drew Barrymore in E.T.? :D

The Hubster said:
I'm really worried about your sexual orientation if it took Leon to make you realise she is hot.

Perhaps you had a thing for Drew Barrymore in E.T.? :D

i was kinda joking with the leon comment but i always knew she was hot but not so much to my personal taste...i wouldnt have turned her down of course but there were a lot of girls i found cuter...but now ive changed my mind i guess, shes still not at the top of my list (jenny lewis <3) but shes gone up a lot of places
Montu Sekhmet said:
It is essential if you want a better chance at making more money.
You can make six digits as a train conductor or one of those guys on the runway of airports, and neither require college.
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