Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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a guy I know is going to tug boat driver school. after you get certified, you can pretty much go anywhere in the world and easily make six figures.
Work as a demolitions expert at a mine pays about $5000 a week.

Working as an oil-rigger gets you about $3000 weekly. 'course, that's two weeks on(12 hours shifts for 14 days straight), one week off.
We had a Lord of the Rings marathon at my house last night, all 3 extended films back to back. It was quite boring really.

I'm fucking knackered, I just had a cold pizza and Doritos breakfast though.
It's not very metal no, especially as I slept through the final battle.

edit: oh this is too awesome, there's loads of stuff people have drowsily left behind, which I have proceeded to scavenge. So far an unopened box of apple pies, some bakewell tarts, a box of Frosties, several cheap looking Vodka alchopops, and of course the lime Doritos (dip included). I feel like some sort of carrion bird, feasting on the lush carcass of the living room.

I will never have to buy food again, simply invite Lord of the Rings geeks round for an all night viewing whenever I'm running low.

Hammer of Might said:
We had a Lord of the Rings marathon at my house last night, all 3 extended films back to back. It was quite boring really.

I'm fucking knackered, I just had a cold pizza and Doritos breakfast though.

Ive tried that before, but about 20 minutes into the Fellowship I got fucking bored so just watched all the battles, then went to the pub.
We have LOTR "festivals" here every year (or twice a year). Random people just gather and chose the 'race' they want to belong to and make shows with battles and stuff. Usually they do it at some ancient places here. Pretty atmospheric and beautiful. I like how seriously people take it, and how they prepare for the shows, making their weapon and 'clothes' on their own.
Faith No More said:
I just cant sit through Scarface anymore. I love it but it just bores me, when that Omar bloke gets hung I just give up.

I try to limit myself to about 2 viewing per year, but yea I normally fail, and I think it's officially starting to bore me.
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