Personally, I dont like bewbs too big. It's just WRONG and damn over rated.
What matters is that the woman is HEALTHY & CLEAN. If she's a size 8 or 12 then so be it.
If she's fit, in proportion then thats all that matters, and FUCK the make up, platinum blonde hair, fake tan and all that shit - after 5 mins of looking it gets boring. Not meaning to blow my own horn, but I've had the "superbabe" before, it's totally over rated and mindnumbingly shallow.
I want fucking natural for fucks sake.
If a girl has A's and not C's, who fucking cares? Is it really the end of the world? I've been out with chicks who were almost flat as an ironing board and they were fucking sexy as hell because they had other great physical attributes.
Sure I have preferences like everyone does, but really, if the woman looks herself, looks natural, is CLEAN, and takes care of herself then thats all that matters looks-wise.