Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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The Marines is pretty much based on endurance. Just run alot, do alot of pullups and crunches and you are golden. Once you get to basic you'll find out running and screaming at the top of your lungs is quite hard when you are tired as fuck, but it's fun.

edit: what did you select as your mos?

I tried out for Marine Corps Recon (unwillingly) and all I have to say is FUCK THAT. You know what we did for 6 weeks straight? No matter where you went, what you did, you ran. If you had to go to the store down the road on base, you ran. If you had to take a piss, you ran, if you needed to go to HQ or one of the Battalion buildings, you ran. If you ever got caught NOT running..oh boy say goodbye to your life. It fucking sucked, highly rewarding and something to brag about, but my god it was the worst time of my life. Wake up 3am get to sleep at 12 that night. foaufaojtaosdjtasotjpasdtast


I actually want to try and go Force Recon, but the physical requirements are insane. It would be cool to have secret security clearance though. If I don't go Recon, I might try Drill Instructor. If I don't do that, not sure. I've still got a while before I enlist.

Well fuck, finals are finally over as of yesterday, and then I get fucking sick. I slept for about 12 hours. As opposed to my usual 4-6.
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