it is quite clear people here listen to other forms of music aswell
it's not, and they don't, actually.
most people here who do listen to something other than metal, and this is all as far as i can tell so prove me wrong but i don't think i am, still listen to about 98% metal and then their "non-metal" "collection" consists of Opeth's Damnation and 2 Led Zeppelin albums and the fact that they hear "electronic music" at the gym and think it's "kool for teh reps".
being really really into metal 9.5 times out of 10 will cause an individual to be really really
not into other stuff, because metal is such a specialized taste that they become desensitized to anything without teh thrash riffz or gr1m vokills and they can't imagine how they could ever possibly be entertained by a song where a "normal" person sings about "normal" stuff and plays without any distortion pedals or stacks of Marshalls or triggered kick drums or whatever...
i say this as someone who, in the late 90s up til maybe '02, thought that metal was the absolute peak of artistic freedom. and it sort of still was. but i can't name a single band that calls themselves "metal" that has really done anything that's artistically relevant, not just relevant to the metal scene but to the greater music scene as a whole, since then.
metal fans usualy think it's "metal" and "everything else", and that's actually kind of true in a way. except that where most metal fans think that metal is sooooo diverse and "everything else" sounds the same, with metal occupying 65/66ths of the "genre pie" and "everything else" stuffed into that last 1, when you start listening to all the "else" you realize that metal has basically become a redundant self-parody, no matter what the sub-genre, and that all the really "extreme" stuff going on right now isn't just "extremely loud".
a few "hardcore" bands are still producing some interesting loud and distorted stuff, and multiple droney doomy bands seem to be peaking right now, but metal, "metal", is dead, or at least in hibernation. once all this "else" stuff goes through it's stages of evolution and the Corporate Pop Machine sucks dry all the alt-country and indie-pop and nu-wave and freak-folk and whatever scenes and everything de-evolves into a nondescript grey blob called "modern rock" then "metal" bands will have a chance to be creative and radical and artistic again.
if indeed they ever truly have been.
for right now, i'd recommend trying to wrap your brain around something different, if for no reason than for the betterment of your own soul.
join the Non-Metal Inquistion.
listen to THE NOW. listen AWARE. listen FREE.