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I have to say this because it's been on my mind for a little while (and I'm not trying to start an argument with anyone here).
You left your "metal-ness" behind: you cut your hair, start to wear more fashionable clothes etc. That's cool, understandable.
I share this sentiment, but I have actually gone the other way. I used go out of my way to have great clothes, look good all the time, I had short hair, spiky etc and everything I bought was Gucci, D&C etc etc. I always did all this, but eventually, I found it was such an act of vanity, that it became unhealthy.
Fashion these days is so sickeningly mainstream that it is not cool anymore. I felt so generic that I felt like I was invisible, so I decided to stop (also considering how much money I was wasting).
One might argue that the black "uniform" and long hair of metal heads is also generic. I guess to a point this is true. But I must say, and I don't know of anyone else here who agrees, but I find that since letting go of fashion etc, and letting myself enjoy only my own rules, e.g. growing my hair, etc, I feel more unique than ever before. And I *love* that only metal heads know what my Negura Bunget, Burzum or whatever band shirt says about my taste, and that no one else understands. To me it feels personal, and also community based. I feel part of something where other people feel like me (let's face it, all people want to feel a part of something, it's our nature as animals).
And that's not for anyone else, its just for me. I'm not doing it because I want to look available or something, I do it because I love my music so much that I want to express it, for ME. In a somewhat immature way, it is also an expression of my disgust with mainstream culture today which I find so incredibly generic that the riot of colours actually appears more a field of grey or radio noise.
If I get onto a train now and there's a pack of pretty boys on there in their fucking pink jeans and orange shirts with collars turned up, I feel far less safe with them as I do at a metal gig, or surrounded by metal heads. In my 31 years in this world, I've found metal heads, or rather, those who "rebel" against today's sickeningly bland mainstream culture to be far more down to earth, more human, than those who join the mass and enjoy living blind. ("Ignorance is bliss" they might argue), mainstream culture today breeds too much focus towards the individual, instead of caring for those around you. As ironic as it sounds, I see a lot of people caring for others in the world of metal.
So I guess, what I'm trying to say is that you can't continue to condemn people on here for not following your path. While you perceive it to be better, you will realise once you get older (sorry to rub that in) that it's actually an inverse move. No matter how idiotic some people are here (myself included), they hold their metal really personal, and how they express their metal really personal (and sure, you might find fashion personal, but trust me, it's sole focus these days is vanity, to look better than others, to be above others. This is not positive). You can't keep slagging these people every time they post a photo of themselves because they they feel safe here, and they enjoy their community.
Sorry if I'm sounding like the do-gooder or something, I just feel that if someone with short hair wants to feel good about their metal shirt or something for e.g., then let them. They deserve to feel good.
Peace. (and flame away, as I know some people will).