Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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^ Man you're nuts. I can't even properly describe in words how much I adore them.

No matter how much they could drive me insane sometimes, I just can't get enough of them. If there's one thing I love about life it's women. Seeing them everyday, hearing them speak, seeing how they're different from us etc etc. God, I just can't get enough. Fucking hell they're so fucking hot.
Teh Grimace, what kind of music do you play? mr non metal inquisitor.



tho on my own i make indie/folkie/freejazz/alt-country/noise/pop/hardcore/dance-y electronic/non-dance-y electronic/ripping off radiohead and jeff buckley and nick cave too much/slightly metal... kind of stuff. i have plans to actually play some of this shit in a live band setting by the spring. it'll be fucking surreal. o_O :err: :loco: :cool:

w/ serge gainsbourg covers fuck yeah
Accolades to Necuratul for bringing the metal back into this forum.
Hoorah to Hubster for his revealations on clothing ect

Wtf how the fuck can you cunts be so fucking gay?
I've said it before and i will say it again, and once more for the time after this one because it will surely come, these days you have to be gay to get women.
Knowing your own clothes sizes, wtf? Yeah maybe know to get L or M, but fuck.... BWAH im not even going to continue on this bit it's pissing me off already.

I never buy clothes, shopping is the last thing on my mind or list of pros.
The only thing i buy is band shirts at gigs i go to or maybe from a shop if it's cheap. I don' care to wear stylish clothes or whatever, i will wear non metal shirts if i got them as a presi or something, but i will not go buy them myself.

And yeah everyone says i should wear a coloured shirt for once, and no i don't get women with my long hair and black clothes, but theres no fucking way i'm going to change myself just to fit in, or "gets some". Wearing over tight shirts and other gay shit knowing it's going to get me girls will seem pretty great when i'm with the chick, but overall, in the end, it would only make me feel like a traitor to myself because it stands for everything i'm not and everyone i fucking despise.

Bwah now this just sounds like a self-liberating gay rant/excuse for being lazy towards women and self-image, but fuck, being ignorant towards this shit is what being a mans all about.

This is who i am, i'm the king, bow before me or DIE

Well, King, thanks for the generalization, but I know a lot of women who hate the whole metrosexual thing. I, for one, love nothing better than a man with long disheveled hair, baggy not quite right fitting clothing, dressed in black, with very scruffy facial hair. The only thing that is important to me is that they have good hygeine, other than that, I think it's stupid for men to use hair gel, or moisturizers, or face wash made "especially for men" or any of that shit.

My boyriend only wears band shirts, or gets old clothes from his friends and wears those. I don't care. Well, for the most part. Some of the used clothes he gets are really preppy and look funny on him with his long hair and piercings.



edit: It turns out, I have more to say! (yeah rare, isn't it?) You say you would feel like you're "compromising" yourself and your integrity if you altared the way you look at all for someone else, and yet women are told to do this all the time. We get special hairstyles, wear make up, whiten our teeth, wear high heels, go on diets, buy expensive clothes that fit us perfectly JUST SO WE CAN LOOK BETTER THAN WE NORMALLY DO! Does that make us fake? Does that mean we are compromising ourselves? Ask yourself this honestly. Would you be happy with a woman who wore no make up, did nothign with her hair, wore the same baggy clothes as you, didn't wear bras that flattered her breasts (or at all!) Would you be happy with that? Or do you think you're eyes would meander to the leggy redhead (who clearly dyes it) with the push up bra and white smile? Yeah, you'll probably say "if my girlfriend is gorgeous and has a great rack without it all, fine" but that's not going to happen babe. Gorgeous women with great racks without any help by makeup or clothing is a very rare thing, and you probably won't find it. So all other women shouldn't try you're saying? We're not being true to ourselves you're saying??

please, explain to me.
And I apologize for again turning this into a 'men vs women" issue, but I know I'm the only one who noticed the hypocrisy in what he said, and since I try to be "true to myself" I am not going to just ignore these things. Even though "being true to myself" to most of you makes me a "bitch".
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^ Man you're nuts. I can't even properly describe in words how much I adore them.

No matter how much they could drive me insane sometimes, I just can't get enough of them. If there's one thing I love about life it's women. Seeing them everyday, hearing them speak, seeing how they're different from us etc etc. God, I just can't get enough. Fucking hell they're so fucking hot.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Last sentence was genius. I do understand what you're saying, but I know they can walk out the door at any minute, piss me off big time, stamp out my last fag, or whatever. Its happened alot ive been able to distance myself from the intense 'I love you so much, Im so lucky, you are my world' and other lovvy crap we blurt out at times. Where as my mates, and shit I know arent gunna dump me or whatever, so I rate my mates higher than my missus.
edit: It turns out, I have more to say! (yeah rare, isn't it?) You say you would feel like you're "compromising" yourself and your integrity if you altared the way you look at all for someone else, and yet women are told to do this all the time. We get special hairstyles, wear make up, whiten our teeth, wear high heels, go on diets, buy expensive clothes that fit us perfectly JUST SO WE CAN LOOK BETTER THAN WE NORMALLY DO! Does that make us fake? Does that mean we are compromising ourselves? Ask yourself this honestly. Would you be happy with a woman who wore no make up, did nothign with her hair, wore the same baggy clothes as you, didn't wear bras that flattered her breasts (or at all!) Would you be happy with that? Or do you think you're eyes would meander to the leggy redhead (who clearly dyes it) with the push up bra and white smile? Yeah, you'll probably say "if my girlfriend is gorgeous and has a great rack without it all, fine" but that's not going to happen babe. Gorgeous women with great racks without any help by makeup or clothing is a very rare thing, and you probably won't find it. So all other women shouldn't try you're saying? We're not being true to ourselves you're saying??

please, explain to me.
And I apologize for again turning this into a 'men vs women" issue, but I know I'm the only one who noticed the hypocrisy in what he said, and since I try to be "true to myself" I am not going to just ignore these things. Even though "being true to myself" to most of you makes me a "bitch".

Sweety that's a great post. Really. Big +1 for that.

From my own POV, I think that doing such things is fine, and lets face it, men, whether they like, or admit, it or not, are heading in their own parallel direction to the characteristics you mention above.

We *are* starting to keep out nails cut short, we are starting to make sure our hair is clean, we are making sure of these kinds of things. It is happening with more and more frequency.

Due to my own reasons, I am unfortunately vain, but I have no problem admitting its because of my own insecurities (of course, this doesn't make it right, but I'm definitely not going to deny it. Acceptance of ones own flaws is the first step towards turning it into a contributor to inner balance). I accept myself more than ever, but at the same time, I really do go out of my way to make sure I am presentable, clean and looking more than decent. I feel more confident in myself if I do. **shrugs**

So I think these kinds of things are okay in that it is okay to be well presented etc. Not trying to blow my own horn, but I think I must be one of the cleanest looking guys in Sydney wearing a metal shirt, but I like that. For me, I like feeling clean, clean shaven, freshly showered etc etc.

Taking care of your appearance and being clean etc, these things for men and women are okay, but there is a limit. Unfortunately with the way things are these days, in terms of fashion etc, the limit is being crossed all the time, to the point where the way you have described it is becoming the norm, and not a line which shouldnt be crossed (I hope I'm making sense).

In summary - I don't mind it if a male takes care of himself etc, or if a woman wears a push up bra etc etc... the important thing is that it MUST be done for the self, not in a way which is mean to use others, or condemn others in some kind of way. If someone is doing it for self confidence, then no, I don't think it's fake because there's not a single living person on this planet who isn't insecure about themselves in some shape way or form.

...I hope I've made sense here...
I know I'm the only one who noticed the hypocrisy in what he said

a double standard does not always = hypocrisy, fyi. not in this case, anyway.

if he thinks girls should wear makeup and ass pants and boys shouldn't cos we've got the dick and therefore are in charge & make teh rulez, then that's a complete belief system there, no contradictions. it may seem unfair, but really... what else do most women have to offer most men besides their bodies and the ego-boost of other men's jealousy?
a double standard does not always = hypocrisy, fyi. not in this case, anyway.

if he thinks girls should wear makeup and ass pants and boys shouldn't cos we've got the dick and therefore are in charge & make teh rulez, then that's a complete belief system there, no contradictions. it may seem unfair, but really... what else do most women have to offer most men besides their bodies and the ego-boost of other men's jealousy?

Fine.. if you're going to make it that bare-bones and disgusting, then fine. What do men have to offer women, other than the ego-boost and to get compliments and the oh so needed feeling of "love"?

And yes, it is still hypocrisy, whether it is his "beliefs" or "religion" or whatever. It's still fucking hypocrisy. I can't believe you'd even try to argue your way with that one.

1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.


dou·ble stan·dard

1. any code or set of principles containing different provisions for one group of people than for another

if he said "i respect women" and then made comments to the contrary, that's hypocrisy. sort of. but to say "men can do this but women can't" is just a double standard.

that's all i'm saying.
Would you be happy with a woman who wore no make up, did nothign with her hair, wore the same baggy clothes as you, didn't wear bras that flattered her breasts (or at all!) Would you be happy with that?

= my girlfriend. Funny thing, the only thing wrong with her is her ferocious personality (which makes me :mad: sometimes)
Financial support. That's what a lot of women look for in men, and far more men are able to provide that than women.
women want a man who'll convince them that they matter

cos they don't, rly.

if men could overcome the biological drive to fuck, and we just penned up all the girls like breeding cattle, the world would make a lot more sense. music would be better. television. definately movies, women have shit taste in movies so the overall quality of the medium plummets.

every man could devote his life to his craft without distraction. the increase in quality of any given product would be unimaginable... what would have been a 5-star dining establishment would now have food the price of a mcdonalds cheeseburger cos there's no gay waitor uniforms to buy or curtains to put up or tables or any of that shit cos only stupid fucking girls care about what shit looks like... men just eat...

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