Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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^ You know, I don't get why a metalhead should be ashamed of saying they are a metalhead. Why the fuss? What's there to be ashamed of? metal is about standing aside from the herd, why try to rejoin it?

I don't like labelling myself a metalhead because I really do not care for 95% of the current metal world or even agree with majority of peoples opinions. Despite being a musician myself do not care for majority of metal and music I have heard in general. When I listen to cds do not feel appart of something.
What music do you listen to?

Brutal Death metal and some Satanic Black Metal and some...



What music do you listen to??


*make-out session*

Honestly, musical taste does not come into play in any of my relationship. Sure if I were to find a chick with similiar taste in music as me, I would be beyond thrilled, unless of course if they were fat.

It can be ackward to tell a girl that you like Death Metal, Black Metal, etc. I normally just say I like Heavy Metal, and never explain further.

When I meet a girl am not going to tell her I like metal. I am going to agree with what she says regarding music and what not. I would have no problem saying I like something she does.
When I meet a girl am not going to tell her I like metal. I am going to agree with what she says regarding music and what not. I would have no problem saying I like something she does.
:lol: I'm not doing that, most girls I've met are into music I dislike like country, pop, and stuff I never listen to. I guess I'll play Deicide or something in the car when and if I go on a date, see what happens.:headbang: :)
Regardless what sex i've come to the conclusion metal is weird and there is no point in mentioning it to anyone.
I really doubt some girl would want to hear me babble about oldschool death metal. I would just say I like pop music.
I would just say I like pop rock and play my acoustic guitar for her!.. then when she was gone I would just crank some distortion on my electric and play some swedish death metal.
to semi-quote Serge, "a girl in love can never be disgusted". there's no big trick, and lying is fine in the beginning, because if anybody actually knew the truth about anybody nobody would get laid. you lie to make them comfortable, then you get in their head, then you start telling all the ugly truths, and if they haven't run screaming by the first couple revelations, you win.
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