Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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^ You know, I don't get why a metalhead should be ashamed of saying they are a metalhead. Why the fuss? What's there to be ashamed of? metal is about standing aside from the herd, why try to rejoin it?

I love the fact that while living in a pretentious suburb, I walk to get my coffee with my fuckoff metal shirts and no one has any idea what half of them are about.

Yet I catch a train into the city and someone on the train will see your shirt and start to chat with you. I love the community aspect of metal, it's just fantastic, I feel part of something real.

** stamps foot **
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^ You know, I don't get why a metalhead should be ashamed of saying they are a metalhead. Why the fuss? What's there to be ashamed of? metal is about standing aside from the herd, why try to rejoin it?

I love the fact that while living in a pretentious suburb, I walk to get my coffee with my fuckoff metal shirts and no one has any idea what half of them are about.

Yet I catch a train into the city and someone on the train will see your shirt and start to chat with you. I love the community aspect of metal, it's just fantastic, I feel part of something real.

** stamps foot **
Me too, I met 2 guys at college into black metal only because I was wearing an Emperor shirt.:)
I'm not ashamed of liking metal, if that were the case I wouldn't have done a speech on black metal for my public speaking class (which was awesome despite me getting in trouble for the "R rated" ness of the "violent" events. :|) I would never wear my band shirts (admitedly only Agalloch's is even recognizable as a metal band shirt, and I've only got three in all the other two being Peccatum and AFI (which doesn't count here since I don't wear it and they're obviously not metal)

I just don't feel the need to identify with a negative stereotype.
^ You know, I don't get why a metalhead should be ashamed of saying they are a metalhead. Why the fuss? What's there to be ashamed of? metal is about standing aside from the herd, why try to rejoin it?

I love the fact that while living in a pretentious suburb, I walk to get my coffee with my fuckoff metal shirts and no one has any idea what half of them are about.

Yet I catch a train into the city and someone on the train will see your shirt and start to chat with you. I love the community aspect of metal, it's just fantastic, I feel part of something real.

** stamps foot **

Hubster, you rule. I would rep you on this post and many others in the Black Metal thread if I could. I have tried but it says I need to spread the rep around.

Two thumbs up and an imaginary +1 to you sir.:kickass:
I'm not ashamed of liking metal, if that were the case I wouldn't have done a speech on black metal for my public speaking class (which was awesome despite me getting in trouble for the "R rated" ness of the "violent" events. :|) I would never wear my band shirts (admitedly only Agalloch's is even recognizable as a metal band shirt, and I've only got three in all the other two being Peccatum and AFI (which doesn't count here since I don't wear it and they're obviously not metal)

I just don't feel the need to identify with a negative stereotype.

Mort, I hate to say it, but it sounds to me that you're too worried about what other people think. Sounds like you've got some social pressure happening or something, or who knows, maybe you're still trying to figure out where you feel confortable (and nothing is wrong with that).

If one is true lover of metal (including it's culture) you would realise it's not a negative stereotype. It's an almost private, yet community based thing, we support our bands, artists etc, metal touches us all in a very personal way, and it is only us who truly understand how.

Go to gigs and you see how people care for each other, look out for each other etc. Man, you don't see that much in other scenes.

The herds around us, living their bull shit materialistic lives have no concept of true community like underground scenes do (and let's face it, in the eye of the masses, the metal community is still underground).

Metal has idiots in it like any social culture does, that's unavoidable. But don't presume that we're all like that. I think you need to dig deeper, it's a positive community, not a negative one. Fuck the stereotype, you KNOW it's not real, so why are you letting stupid sheep dictate your personal expression? Fuck them all.
metal fans are not usually smarter than fucking anyone. metal fans just happen to be nerds more often than other music fans. simple as that. they appear smart cos they know lots of nerd stuff.

Well, if they know lots of stuff....

Just because metal fans are nerds and learn more about the music they enjoy and other things that interest them does not mean they are less smart. This is the same as saying "oh, that kid that is acing his Calc class isn't really smart, he just studies a bunch and knows a ton about math"....Nope not smart, just knows a lot...
You people, wtf is up.

I love how you come to a metal forum and try and act all hip and shit. Oooo I listen to non-metal aren't I so fucking special. "Metal heads are dumb omg!!!!"

Get the fuck over yourselves or gtfo.

This is obviously directed at more people than just you Mort, so don't feel special.

I don't think metalheads are dumb at all. Just some....... I will name no names :|

Okay mainly the alcoholics. There. I said it. I hate the type of metalhead that is just a drunken fucker.
I just realized that Krig looks like Ricky Gervais. Anyone else see it?
Just because metal fans are nerds and learn more about the music they enjoy and other things that interest them does not mean they are less smart.

but the fact that you think this is what i said does make you less smart.

This is the same as saying "oh, that kid that is acing his Calc class isn't really smart, he just studies a bunch and knows a ton about math"....Nope not smart, just knows a lot...

i have an IQ that's high enough that i won't mention it cos you'll tell me to fuck off. i did absolutely shit in school, because i couldn't care less about the stuff most people consider "worthwhile" knowledge. i read philosophy books and listened to avant music and skipped class to do drugs and stare at the clouds, and i had a perpetual D-minus. meanwhile, kids who were blatantly stupid, not just average, but well-below-average, aced tests because their parents were slavedrivers. point being, i could teach a dog calculus with enough repetition. the ability to recall pre-packaged information means almost absolutely nothing.
The ability to recall pre-packaged information is a valuable skill that helps society run. Devalue it if you want, but it gets a lot of people very far.

In other news, I wore my Drudkh shirt to work today. I work at a parenting magazine oddly enough.
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