The point of art, all art in any form, is to connect with your audience. Drama, music, and even visual art has to do this in order to be good art. If it fails to be accessible, to connect with the audience, it's just intellectual masturbation, to quote a favorite author of mine. So you can have fun with your inaccessible art, but don't go thinking that YOUR opinion of art or even whoever the fuck you quoted's opinion of art is the truth. My definition of good art is communication of a feeling, thought, etc. in an unconventional way, a way other than day to day communication, but a way that anyone can understand and connect with. If you limit your audience you're limiting yourself, you're saying I can only do this form because I want to appeal to the masses, or to the select few, or to this specific person, or to my record company, or whatever. If you don't limit your audience, if you say everyone can come see what I have done, see what I have created through my hard work, and connect with it and me, then you have a whole new realm of creativity to explore. That doesn't mean it has to be poor in quality, or simple, or marketed for the masses, but if you say to yourself that you are making this for yourself and for your audience, whoever it may be, then you understand what is, at least to me, the meaning of art. Of course, these are just my thoughts, my opinion, and is not the be-all-end-all truth. I create art in a different way than you do. You make art that will last for generations, I make art that is written on water, able to be experienced only a few times, and every time at least slightly different. I am also at a different skill level than you are in my particular craft. But my thoughts on the meaning of art can be just as valid as yours. I would advise you not to limit your audience, because as I said earlier, when you limit your audience you limit yourself.
That was fun.
EDIT: AHA! I read the entire argument and it proved my point! Titanic is a chick flick, it limits it's audience and limits itself. That is why it SUCKS. It's not that I couldn't connect with the characters or anything else, it's just bad. It was marketed to be accessible by women (and men who are limp in the wrist) who love romantic stories, instead of telling the story of the entire Titanic. It was limited to be as cheap as possible and make the most money: it targets the chick flick audience, does enough to please them, and stops. It does just enough to make money. Does this make it art? NO. It is a movie. Not art. There are some films that are artistic, but not Titanic. It's not about communicating to the audience, about telling an interesting story and showing the character's feelings, although that is what it almost did, what it could have done. It was about making money. They focused on the romantic because that makes money. Hollywood, baby.