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In that sense it is basically a lot like Saving Private Ryan (another very long, high budget movie which focuses entirely on a very small character-based story rather than the big picture of the setting in which it plays, namely WWII), with the slight difference that Saving Private Ryan was actually quite an interesting movie and hints at the fact that it is not going to be about WWII in general in the title.

Exactly. It was about war, not love, so that's an instant +1. Then, the main character is a man, not a 17 year old girl/105 year old woman. You were able to connect with him, and weren't able to connect to Rose because you can't connect with women, so there's another +1.
THe storyline, and excecution of the film is aboslutely no better than how Titanic was executed. You simply liked it better because you could connect with a man better than a woman, and it's plot was of more interest to you than first love/a sinking ship.

Thank you for helping me prove that. :)
even if it was a love story about a man loving a woman from a man's perspective, it still wouldn't make it any better.
Exactly. It was about war, not love, so that's an instant +1. Then, the main character is a man, not a 17 year old girl/105 year old woman. You were able to connect with him, and weren't able to connect to Rose because you can't connect with women, so there's another +1.
THe storyline, and excecution of the film is aboslutely no better than how Titanic was executed. You simply liked it better because you could connect with a man better than a woman, and it's plot was of more interest to you than first love/a sinking ship.

Thank you for helping me prove that. :)

You are such a fucking airhead. :lol:

I knew you would bring the discussion back to the male vs. female thing at some point. Well done. Obviously because I'm a man I must only like violence and stories about war and tough, brave men because I cannot connect to women because they are an entirely different and most of all complex species that my brain couldn't possibly feel empathy or compassion for in any way. Let me retort in a similarly childish and ignorant fashion: you only like Titanic because you're a woman which means you are emotional and weak and easily drawn into uncomplicated, bland, unoriginal sappy love stories with no artistic merit whatsoever and no eye for decent direction or film making in general.

Saving Private Ryan was far more well executed in literally every single way I can think of than Titanic. I don't even feel like bothering to explain why because you'd have to pretty much be blind not to acknowledge that. You're one sorry art student if you can't even recognize the difference though.
yadda yadda blah blah


Burn your titanic DVD and then watch Terminator 2: judgement day or die!
You are such a fucking airhead. :lol:

I knew you would bring the discussion back to the male vs. female thing at some point. Well done. Obviously because I'm a man I must only like violence and stories about war and tough, brave men because I cannot connect to women because they are an entirely different and most of all complex species that my brain couldn't possibly feel empathy or compassion for in any way. Let me retort in a similarly childish and ignorant fashion: you only like Titanic because you're a woman which means you are emotional and weak and easily drawn into uncomplicated, bland, unoriginal sappy love stories with no artistic merit whatsoever and no eye for decent direction or film making in general.

Saving Private Ryan was far more well executed in literally every single way I can think of than Titanic. I don't even feel like bothering to explain why because you'd have to pretty much be blind not to acknowledge that. You're one sorry art student if you can't even recognize the difference though.

This has nothing to do with the fact you're a man, and entirely with that fact that you are you. I said you are incapable, not that men are incapable.
Good job you did of turning it into a men vs. woman thing.

edit: I'm one of the few artists around today who don't equate all the elitist bullshit of cynicism and inaccessability with art. I like what Keith whatshisface had to say about this in his article, that I will now quote again, to get my point across quicker.

"there is an artistic elite that pride themselves in relating to complex art forms that seem disorienting to many. Of course, that's part of the point in many cases. It's supposed to disorient you. But the average person doesn't necessarily realize that their reaction is actually part of the process of art.

Elitists maintain what I will call a subtle arrogance about art. If Joe Schmoe can truly grasp it, it is demeaning to them. They rise above the uncultured masses to heights where hidden truths await within a framework of free-floating intelligentsia. For these people art, REAL art, has to be more than whatever it is that causes people to go back again and again to see "Titanic".

REAL art has to be inaccessible. By definition it apparently must be "hard to swallow." It cannot be popular because it can only be appreciated by an elite few. "Titanic" is not REAL art because it has too much old-fashioned romance in it, not healthy in a cynical world.

Why am I on here? I have a thesis and body of work do in 18 days.

Yeah that's right.


Fuck. Bye.
Burn your titanic DVD and then watch Terminator 2: judgement day or die!

Or Aliens! It even has a strong female lead character that manages to outlive an entire squad of tough (almost predominantly male) marines. Surely Susperia must hold this movie in high regard even just for that.

In all seriousness, it decimates Titanic in every imaginable way, and even in some ways that are infact unimaginable.
This has nothing to do with the fact you're a man, and entirely with that fact that you are you. I said you are incapable, not that men are incapable.
Good job you did of turning it into a men vs. woman thing.

That would imply that you know me, which you don't.

So maybe you could explain what you are basing those remarks on.
You seem to be under the impression that writing your thesis is more important than arguing with me about the artistic merits of Titanic. This is an outrage!
Atheism makes me happy, it's good for me not to worry about "sinful" actions and do things that are fun in life without worrying about sin and things of that nature.
REAL art has to be inaccessible.

The point of art, all art in any form, is to connect with your audience. Drama, music, and even visual art has to do this in order to be good art. If it fails to be accessible, to connect with the audience, it's just intellectual masturbation, to quote a favorite author of mine. So you can have fun with your inaccessible art, but don't go thinking that YOUR opinion of art or even whoever the fuck you quoted's opinion of art is the truth. My definition of good art is communication of a feeling, thought, etc. in an unconventional way, a way other than day to day communication, but a way that anyone can understand and connect with. If you limit your audience you're limiting yourself, you're saying I can only do this form because I want to appeal to the masses, or to the select few, or to this specific person, or to my record company, or whatever. If you don't limit your audience, if you say everyone can come see what I have done, see what I have created through my hard work, and connect with it and me, then you have a whole new realm of creativity to explore. That doesn't mean it has to be poor in quality, or simple, or marketed for the masses, but if you say to yourself that you are making this for yourself and for your audience, whoever it may be, then you understand what is, at least to me, the meaning of art. Of course, these are just my thoughts, my opinion, and is not the be-all-end-all truth. I create art in a different way than you do. You make art that will last for generations, I make art that is written on water, able to be experienced only a few times, and every time at least slightly different. I am also at a different skill level than you are in my particular craft. But my thoughts on the meaning of art can be just as valid as yours. I would advise you not to limit your audience, because as I said earlier, when you limit your audience you limit yourself.

That was fun.

EDIT: AHA! I read the entire argument and it proved my point! Titanic is a chick flick, it limits it's audience and limits itself. That is why it SUCKS. It's not that I couldn't connect with the characters or anything else, it's just bad. It was marketed to be accessible by women (and men who are limp in the wrist) who love romantic stories, instead of telling the story of the entire Titanic. It was limited to be as cheap as possible and make the most money: it targets the chick flick audience, does enough to please them, and stops. It does just enough to make money. Does this make it art? NO. It is a movie. Not art. There are some films that are artistic, but not Titanic. It's not about communicating to the audience, about telling an interesting story and showing the character's feelings, although that is what it almost did, what it could have done. It was about making money. They focused on the romantic because that makes money. Hollywood, baby.
There really is nothing "bleak" about it. Atheists just don't believe in god. We live our lives just like everybody else, save for that fact.

Actually I disagree. It's pretty bleak to realize that you and everyone else on this planet is not here for a purpose... in essence we are really no more valuable then an extinct animal or a virus or that once you're dead there is no afterlife just an eternity of nothing... that everything we treasure and strive for will one day crumble into nothing. It's pretty bleak to me.
for all those who think the possibility of no afterlife er whatever is bleak and pessimistic, I suggest you read "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus.
Titanic is actually more akin to that shitty Pearl Harbor movie. Strikingly so. Everyone thinks Pearl Harbor blows, so why people think Titanic is any better escapes me.

Garden State is pretty crappy too.

Terminator 2. Now that's a film.
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