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Blacks can't be original? That's a hilarious (if misguided) thing to say.

it IS kinda funny, yet true for the most part. you see white families and each member usually likes something different. black families, on the other hand, usually all like the same stuff. its like its ingrained into their subconscious from birth.
I'm not aware of such a phenomenon, though I suppose you're talking about rap and r&b, which makes sense because that's really the only music that cares about or at least speaks about the black culture, so a lot of them tend to circle around toward it.
Someone say something to set off The Grey's inferiority complex again. That was an amusing read. More fun than discussing the merits of Titanic atleast, which anyone with half a brain (or a brain not fed by vegan food) would agree is utter trash.


Its' teh HOllywoodz so ist bad for ye!2@
Cara, you're missing the entire point. Titanic was hardly based on the Titanic at all. The movie is about a sordid love affair between a degenerate youth and an unhappy, eager to be rebellious daughter of rich descent. The Titanic is merely the setting of the movie. Nearly the entire movie could very easily be imported to another location. So all of your verbal machinegunning of the significance of the movie with regard to the significance of the sinking of the Titanic itself as an event in history comes to nil because Cameron completely failed in adapting the airy significance of the event into the movie. In its stead is inserted all of the Hollywood fluff that made teenyboppers go to the movie theater to see this movie a dozen times.

He wanted to give you two people who would represent all the people/lovers/families who died on the ship. You couldn't possibly feel a connection to them all in just the length of a movie, you have to focus on just a couple---why not lovers?... if I didn't have Jack and Rose to care about, I don't think the movie would have been as effective for me.
The movie is about their relationship, not their relationship as the embodiment of something greater. That's where the movie fails.
it IS kinda funny, yet true for the most part. you see white families and each member usually likes something different. black families, on the other hand, usually all like the same stuff. its like its ingrained into their subconscious from birth.

No. It. Is. Not.

How can you live in American and say that? For fucks sake, you're on a METAL forum. Metal was born out of blues and rock, which was invented by Blacks. Jazz? Reggae? And regardless of weather or not you like rap or R&B, they still created it.

The whole "white families like different things but black families all like the same things" is too absurd to consider.

To Satanstoenail:

It's pretty obvious that you still can't fucking understand my point. I said the MAIN IDEA behind Ahteism is cynical / bleak / etc. Shit, am I fucking typing in Greek? And how the fuck are you defining "bias"? I sure as all fucking hell wasn't biased against atheism the first time I heard it. What, so disagreeing with something automatically means that one is biased against and, therefore, the fact that I disagree with it is made invalid by my supposed bias? Get a clue and learn how to read.

Nevermind the hilarity / irony of Atheists taking offense to someone expressing an opinion that, apparently, insults them.
The movie is about their relationship, not their relationship as the embodiment of something greater. That's where the movie fails.

But it is Matthew. They are the link that brings you into the story, that lets the audience partake in what it was like on that ship all 4 days. Do you really think the movie would have been as interesting if it was purely historical? Many of you are complaining even so that it was "boring"! Imagine how boring it would have been without that plot?

And I've already explained before what the relationship was about, I guess I'll do it again... It pretty much signified how one person can change you for the rest of your life in just a few days. And the sacrifice at the end is what made the "union" between them able to last for 80 years. The fact he sacrifices his life for her, so she can go and do all the things with her life that she always wanted to, propels it form simply being a stupid love story. This isn't 'You've Got Mail' here. He fucking dies. He slowly freezes to death and dies, without a word of protest, so she can live. That is some serious fucking shit. I'm starting to think now that maybe one reason why you dislike the movie so much is because you know you yourselves would not be capable of such a thing?

The story of Jack and Rose (especially Rose) is needed also for the entire motif throughout the film, and that is Time. The movie is constantly switching back and forth from present day to 1912. This experience of shifting between times keeps the film from simply being a period piece. We need that connection as well. We need Jack and Rose's connection, we need our connection to them, and we need the connection between our present day to that of 1912 to fully feel and understand how those people felt at that moment, at that night, at that presice point in history. And also to see how it relates back to us, now.

Shit enough with the Titanic discussion. It was well produced on a technical level but a shit story, the end.

No, damnit! You all honestly need to watch this movie again with a much more open mind than you did the last time, which I'm sure was after you heard it was a chick flick and already hated DiCaprio or something silly like that.

I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!:cry: You must come to your senses.
No, damnit! You all honestly need to watch this movie again with a much more open mind than you did the last time, which I'm sure was after you heard it was a chick flick and already hated DiCaprio or something silly like that.

I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!:cry: You must come to your senses.

how the fuck can someone like the movie titanic so much? wtf!

How can you not?... I don't get it, I really don't. Every time I watch that film (like once every year or so) I am left for the next day and a half in a daze, haunted by it, stuck in that mode of time and that place and those feelings and with those people. ...I know it does that for other people too.

I understand why you woudln't get the same experience as me...but to hate it? I don't get it..
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