My comment was intended as a light hearted jab at our oft-repeated "all American sports are essentially shite" gag, which, as I recall, we replay every time you make reference to one of said pass times.
As I have no essential reference to the "superbowl", I would be none the wiser if Queen is played at the games? Are they ? Is this a Chicago cubsox Blues! Go Rangers! thing, or is it universal among American Football games ? Or just the finals ? I assumed that you were saying that whichever team you support (and they do look nice and spiffy in their uniforms! Go Vixens!) were world champions because they won the superbowl - after all, you do have the rounders championship named the "World Series", which as far as I can tell features clubs from one continent?
I wasn't the only one to misunderstand the quote either - see Necuratul responding to me, and my subsequent (sardonic) reference to him with the Onion Magazine cover.
All intended in good humour, you miserable cunts