Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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susperia baby, no need to be so sassy. Why don't you just lick my hairy beanbag and we'll call it a day.
I hate to be the gneric "drunk giy posting n the itnernet who cant type" guiy but i m helal guckin drunk atm and i just thougth you uys might like to know actually i know you doht really care but im imfonrating you anwyay just because i dunno iguess despite my desire notto be periced as the generic drunk guy on the internet ifeel you wll be in some way entertained by my inedbriation so here it goes. i guessi could corect all the typos im inevitably making (not actually checking ofr them atm) but im not going to just as evidence of how fu ki CRUINK iam atm. has anyone noticed ih anvet been posting here much lately? granted "latewly" for me ins as little as a fe days becayuse i am on te internet so much but wharteve O_O
I hate to be the gneric "drunk giy posting n the itnernet who cant type" guiy but i m helal guckin drunk atm and i just thougth you uys might like to know actually i know you doht really care but im imfonrating you anwyay just because i dunno iguess despite my desire notto be periced as the generic drunk guy on the internet ifeel you wll be in some way entertained by my inedbriation so here it goes. i guessi could corect all the typos im inevitably making (not actually checking ofr them atm) but im not going to just as evidence of how fu ki CRUINK iam atm. has anyone noticed ih anvet been posting here much lately? granted "latewly" for me ins as little as a fe days becayuse i am on te internet so much but wharteve O_O

Nice try but I already refined that technique to perfection.
manb that was a fucking long psit for some rerason i am totally not aware of the passage of time when im druk, like this one time issent this text ot my best friend telling her liek "i wquvles you frances" the point is i take forever to send text messages because im sspent s logn so socially awkwaRD THAT I NEVER HAD ANY FIRENDS THAT I'D REALLY WANNA TEXT (CAUSE THEY WERE ALL INTERNET NERSD WHO WERE ALWAYS ON MSN AYWAYS) SBUT AT THE TIME IT ONLY S4EEMDD LIKE A MATTER OR MINUTES BUT HTE NETIRE TEXT WAS SO LONG THAT IT MUSTVE TAKEN ME AGES TO TO WRITE BUT I ONLY HOUGHT IT OTOK AM INIMAL AMOUNT OF TIME IM AWARE THATR IM REPEAT CANT EVEN REMEMBER WHAT I WAS RESPOND ING TO SO WHATEVER LATERING MYSLF BUT IM DRUO SO WHATEER. ANYWA Y POINT IS MAN I
I hate to be the gneric "drunk giy posting n the itnernet who cant type" guiy but i m helal guckin drunk atm and i just thougth you uys might like to know actually i know you doht really care but im imfonrating you anwyay just because i dunno iguess despite my desire notto be periced as the generic drunk guy on the internet ifeel you wll be in some way entertained by my inedbriation so here it goes. i guessi could corect all the typos im inevitably making (not actually checking ofr them atm) but im not going to just as evidence of how fu ki CRUINK iam atm. has anyone noticed ih anvet been posting here much lately? granted "latewly" for me ins as little as a fe days becayuse i am on te internet so much but wharteve O_O
God, I so should have logged on last night, it would have been battle of the drunkards.

Carnivore -retaliation. fuck yeah

"You don't like the clothes I wear
I'll shave my head or grow my hair
What makes you look over here
What are you queer?
S.M.D. [3 times]
You call my music sonic poison
Turn it's down it's annoying
But it gives me pleasure to aggravate
The ones I hate
Walking down the streets a bottle
Grazes off your head
From a window someone laughing
Spitting on your head
Find a weapon bash their skulls in
Don't they make you sick
Kill these fucking pricks
Shins and bangers joining fight or one
Those who persecute battle 'til they've won
Tired to being pressured
To join their plastic army
You conforming clones will be sorry
I won't change for anyone
Keep fighting 'til I'm done
I got right to be myself
And you can go fuck yourself"
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