I'm tryin to improve upon my vinyl collection, but yours proves I have far to go.
People need to do this way more often
TBH, Half of the time I post on here I'm blazed.
Yes, I am vain.
Are some of those framed? wtf.
Yes, I am vain.
Spikey hair and emo glasses are not sexy.
That's really sexy though.
I always thought the boob-through-the-hole get-up, like the woman on the far right, is really really sexy.
Do you think that would work with A's too?
edit: The woman in the center looks like a parapalegic.
paddy, who the fuck is Rory Gallagher???????????
oh wait, apparantly he is a "Blues Rock Legend", lol
that guy looks like the singer from Rise Against
fuck off you cuntard
Relayer is a fucking classic album
paddy is back, with a vengeance......!!!!....!!!!!....fuck off you cuntard