Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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wow BELIEVE IT OR NOT i was being FLIPPANT when i said 'pop music is the best music' and was not actually making an objective claim regarding its quality! CRAZY I KNOW! :OMG:
well i dont really like rilo kiley's last album that much so :goggly: but yes, you would be entitled to conclude that. i think i'll live without you thinking much of my intellect, i'll be busy hanging out with the kids who have fun.
i was trolling because saying 'classical music is irrelevant' is pretty much the best way to get classical music fans riled up, especially fucktards like thoth-amon, who feels the need to perpetually rub the fact that he listens to classical music in everyone's face like it makes him cool or smart or something. and unlike me with whatever gay-ass music i'm pushing that week, he's not just doing it to get on people's nerves.
i do actually listen to classical music believe it or not. but i do think this 'HURF DURF GREATEST MUSIC EVER AAARFDHFFFGFH' bullshit is really irritating and mostly derived from the average person's insecurity: re: being seen as unintelligent for not liking it, as a result of intelligentsia-propagated hegemony.
or: i respect an intelligent person a lot more for saying they don't like classical music than for saying they do, because at least it shows they have balls.

1. So by admitting you were being flippant you were in fact just bullshitting for the last several pages. Thank you for wasting our time asshole.
2. The fact that you admit to trolling should be indicative that no one here should take anything you say seriously. So fuck off. And BTW I listen to plenty of non-serious, non-intellectual music... some things which I admit are pretty bad. I was only pointing out that masterpieces like Beethoven's 9th are so far beyond cute, catchy pop tunes in terms of emotional depth and grandeur that to say that a song like 'Portions for Foxes' is BETTER (i.e. not that you merely like it more) than say Don Giovanni is ridiculous. Hardly rubbing my love of classical in people's faces. Merely pointing out the obvious.
3. I listen to classical because I am a music lover and I am intelligent. Listening to classical does not therefore make me intelligent, it is merely a 'symptom' of being both intelligent and a music lover. The average person doesn't have insecurity regarding musical taste and intelligence because the average person is too preoccupied with downloading the latest 50-Cent ringtones to even know that there are vast worlds of musical depth and profundity out there.
you people really overrate the popularity of pop music

go somewhere with mostly mature 25+ year old adults, 90-99% of them will hate pop music just as much as you do

the crowd that likes pop music is mostly 14 15 year old kids who know nothing of music

(and I'm talking about popular music like 50 cent, not the genre "pop")
1. So by admitting you were being flippant you were in fact just bullshitting for the last several pages. Thank you for wasting our time asshole.
2. The fact that you admit to trolling should be indicative that no one here should take anything you say seriously. So fuck off. And BTW I listen to plenty of non-serious, non-intellectual music... some things which I admit are pretty bad. I was only pointing out that masterpieces like Beethoven's 9th are so far beyond cute, catchy pop tunes in terms of emotional depth and grandeur that to say that a song like 'Portions for Foxes' is BETTER (i.e. not that you merely like it more) than say Don Giovanni is ridiculous. Hardly rubbing my love of classical in people's faces. Merely pointing out the obvious.
3. I listen to classical because I am a music lover and I am intelligent. Listening to classical does not therefore make me intelligent, it is merely a 'symptom' of being both intelligent and a music lover. The average person doesn't have insecurity regarding musical taste and intelligence because the average person is too preoccupied with downloading the latest 50-Cent ringtones to even know that there are vast worlds of musical depth and profundity out there.

This made me smile for some reason. ALL HAIL KING THOTH!
you people really overrate the popularity of pop music

go somewhere with mostly mature 25+ year old adults, 90-99% of them will hate pop music just as much as you do

the crowd that likes pop music is mostly 14 15 year old kids who know nothing of music

(and I'm talking about popular music like 50 cent, not the genre "pop")

Your cunning ability to speak facts are unfathomable in power.
1. So by admitting you were being flippant you were in fact just bullshitting for the last several pages. Thank you for wasting our time asshole.

no because for the last several pages we've been discussing the validity of any claim that any type of music is superior to any other, not the claim that pop is better than classical or vice versa. clearly you lack the reading comprehension required to notice this!

2. The fact that you admit to trolling should be indicative that no one here should take anything you say seriously. So fuck off. And BTW I listen to plenty of non-serious, non-intellectual music... some things which I admit are pretty bad. I was only pointing out that masterpieces like Beethoven's 9th are so far beyond cute, catchy pop tunes in terms of emotional depth and grandeur that to say that a song like 'Portions for Foxes' is BETTER (i.e. not that you merely like it more) than say Don Giovanni is ridiculous. Hardly rubbing my love of classical in people's faces. Merely pointing out the obvious.

all i've been saying is that it's no more or less ridiculous than claiming the inverse, so either address that argument or shut the fuck up.

3. I listen to classical because I am a music lover and I am intelligent. Listening to classical does not therefore make me intelligent, it is merely a 'symptom' of being both intelligent and a music lover. The average person doesn't have insecurity regarding musical taste and intelligence because the average person is too preoccupied with downloading the latest 50-Cent ringtones to even know that there are vast worlds of musical depth and profundity out there.

typical teenage immature, pseudo-intellectual, elitist misanthropy. i was like you once. nothing to see here.
i do actually listen to classical music believe it or not. but i do think this 'HURF DURF GREATEST MUSIC EVER AAARFDHFFFGFH' bullshit is really irritating and mostly derived from the average person's insecurity: re: being seen as unintelligent for not liking it, as a result of intelligentsia-propagated hegemony.

Exactly. Well, not exactly, but kind of. Namely the part about Classical worshipers getting riled up. I can't believe everyone still fucking takes you seriously when you say shit like that, and honestly I found it rather funny, because I knew Thoth-Amon would step up to the plate. Getting a Hubster post was definitely a plus.

1. So by admitting you were being flippant you were in fact just bullshitting for the last several pages. Thank you for wasting our time asshole.

You're not very intelligent (like you claim later in this post if you couldn't fucking figure out by now that he was trolling you.

2. The fact that you admit to trolling should be indicative that no one here should take anything you say seriously.


3. I listen to classical because I am a music lover and I am intelligent. Listening to classical does not therefore make me intelligent, it is merely a 'symptom' of being both intelligent and a music lover. The average person doesn't have insecurity regarding musical taste and intelligence because the average person is too preoccupied with downloading the latest 50-Cent ringtones to even know that there are vast worlds of musical depth and profundity out there.


I hope (though I doubt) you recognize how absurd and pretentious that sounds. Would you care for a crowbar so you can pry your head out of your ass?
Exactly. Well, not exactly, but kind of. Namely the part about Classical worshipers getting riled up. I can't believe everyone still fucking takes you seriously when you say shit like that, and honestly I found it rather funny, because I knew Thoth-Amon would step up to the plate. Getting a Hubster post was definitely a plus.

You're not very intelligent (like you claim later in this post if you couldn't fucking figure out by now that he was trolling you.



I hope (though I doubt) you recognize how absurd and pretentious that sounds. Would you care for a crowbar so you can pry your head out of your ass?

The funny part is, you actually think he's trolling, but he's not. W&W is such a fucking idiot, he tries to lay down his opinion, ends up looking like more of a knob than Big Gayve, and then expects people like you to just try and flame everyone else for replying to him because they didn't "get" that he was trolling, and he just kinda goes with that to make himself look less stupid. But in reality, he wasn't trolling.

hahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahah

Btw, Thoth actually is intelligent, sorry to burst your bubble.
i haven't even remotely tried to justify my assertion that classical music is irrelevant or whatever it is i said, so it's pretty fucking obvious i was trolling tbh. although given that thoth-amon makes similarly retarded unsupported assertions in favor of his taste and he's actually serious i guess i can see where the confusion might arise.
okay, so we can empirically establish, say, that beethoven's 9th symphony is written in d minor, because the essence of 'd minor' is a quality that exists independent of subjectivity. but there's no means to empirically measure whether a claim of 'classical music is better than pop music' is true. unlike theoretical facts regarding music, the idea of a work's quality depends on the relationship between work and observer. if a symphony is played in the woods, and nobody's around to hear it, is it artistically relevant? emphatically NO!

Too bad that not all truths are empirical truths. If that weren't the case then mathematics and logic would go right out the window. The argument that something is not a candidate for being a truth on the grounds that it's not empirical is clearly not effective.

And you seem to act like making judgments about art can't be anything more than on a par with claims like "I like chocolate ice cream" or "This food smells tasty". Art has cognitive dimensions and bears relational properties that are extrinsic to your particular experience of or sentiments about art. When somebody asks whether some work is superior to another work they are asking a question about properties that are extrinsic to anybody's particular experiences or sentiments. Nobody gives a fuck about your relation to an artwork.

terms like 'reasonable' and 'plausible', though, rely on a value judgment along with an assumption of the nature of reality. given that we can map that assumption against knowledge previously known about the nature of reality, it's therefore possible to demonstrate that an opinion is either more or less continuous with accepted 'facts' of reality. of course then you get into the problem of what those 'facts' are, but theoretically there's a method of demonstrable proof here, even if in practice we're probably never going to establish the premises.

And how are terms like 'dull' and 'escapist' supposed to be so drastically different? To say somebody is an escapist is not just to make a value judgment about that person. It's applying a description to somebody which they either fit or fail to fit. Case in point:

Main Entry: es·cap·ism
Pronunciation: is-'kA-"pi-z&m
Function: noun
: habitual diversion of the mind to purely imaginative activity or entertainment as an escape from reality or routine

So are you going to try to tell me that it's merely a matter of opinion whether or not somebody engages in habitual diversion of the mind to purely imaginative activity or entertainment as an escape from reality or routine? You'd have to be a total idiot to think that. If somebody is an escapist, that is a fact about what that person does and a fact about that person's psychology. Face it, you made an unjustified, and quite frankly, snobbish claim about an entire class of people and when questioned about it you play the subjectivity card so you don't have to bother justifying your asinine claims.
Art has cognitive dimensions and bears relational properties that are extrinsic to your particular experience of or sentiments about art. When somebody asks whether some work is superior to another work they are asking a question about properties that are extrinsic to anybody's particular experiences or sentiments.

Can I ask what extrinsic properties you identify these to be?

So are you going to try to tell me that it's merely a matter of opinion whether or not somebody engages in habitual diversion of the mind to purely imaginative activity or entertainment as an escape from reality or routine?

There are degrees of escapism surely? The term can be applied from everything from 24 hour fantasy gaming to reading a novel.
Can I ask what extrinsic properties you identify these to be?

You want me to provide you with a list or something? Art has meaningful content. Meaning relations obtain in a public sphere; they do not obtain just because some individual thinks they obtain.

There are degrees of escapism surely?

And there are also varying degrees of being sad, angry, or stupid. That doesn't mean that I can't ever truly say of somebody that they're sad, angry, or stupid.

The term can be applied from everything from 24 hour fantasy gaming to reading a novel.

Sure, the term 'escapism' can have a wide range of applications. What is your point?
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