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Fucking Giants! They deserved to lose. Oh well, all that really matters is that the Colts won, and will win on saturday, and will win against the Pats the following week for the Division Championship game, and then go to the Superbowl in which they will win by a landslide and become TEH CHAMPS. Then I can come back here and rub it in all of your faces and be happy for the rest of my life.

Holy shit will you regret this post.
Pats have no chance against the Chargers imo, they are too solid a team.


Colts d. Ravens (provided the Colts D plays like they did yesterday, otherwise Ravens d. Colts)

Saints d. Eagles, no doubt in my mind.

Bears d. Seahawks

Chargers d. Pats (as much as I'd like for the Pats to win so there can be a Colts vs Pats game, that isn't going to happen)
Pats have no chance against the Chargers imo, they are too solid a team.


Colts d. Ravens (provided the Colts D plays like they did yesterday, otherwise Ravens d. Colts)

Saints d. Eagles, no doubt in my mind.

Bears d. Seahawks

Chargers d. Pats (as much as I'd like for the Pats to win so there can be a Colts vs Pats game, that isn't going to happen)

I actually agree with all of these calls.
Holy shit will you regret this post.

Not really.

Pats have no chance against the Chargers imo, they are too solid a team.


Colts d. Ravens (provided the Colts D plays like they did yesterday, otherwise Ravens d. Colts)

Saints d. Eagles, no doubt in my mind.

Bears d. Seahawks

Chargers d. Pats (as much as I'd like for the Pats to win so there can be a Colts vs Pats game, that isn't going to happen)

The Ravens are lacking a bit of offense. They'll be hard pressed to keep up with the Colts offense if it comes down to putting points on the board. Granted Baltimore has the #1 defense in the league, and has given less points than any team in the NFL, I just don't think they'll be able to handle the Colts offense. Unless they murder the Colts with the 3-4 defense like a few teams have, and which if memory serves me correctly, that's normally what they play. Indy is starting to run the ball alot more, making that 3-4 not look so good anymore.

It wouldn't surprise me if the Saints lost to the Eagles. But I don't think they'll lose either.

The Seahawks this year are a fucking joke. They've been running on a luck streak for long enough and it's annoying me. I really do hope Chicago crushes them.

The Chargers are kind of an illusion to alot of people. Yes they have the best record in the NFL. Yes they have the best running back in the league and all that jazz, but they really haven't had a difficult schedule now that we look back. They lost to the Ravens, which is a great team, and to the Chiefs, which Indy pummeled. The comeback they had on Cinci was awesome, but Cinci sucks, so it really doesn't make them look that good heh. They also played the Raiders twice, Denver twice (which are a bit overrated even though I like Cutler), the Chiefs twice, the Steelers, the Cardinals, the Titans, the 49ers, the Rams, the Browns, and the Bills. And how many teams out of those made it to the playoffs? 3. I'm not doubting they are a badass team, most of the time I'm even a charger fan. But they are a bit overrated and will probably lose to a tough Pats team, which I despise. But whatever, I guess that's why they play the game no? Don't be surprised if the Pats win, I never underestimate them.

edit: The Colts have played 5 teams that made it to the playoffs mind you. Only one of which they lost. more than any team that made it to the playoffs.
The Colts didn't have a much tougher schedule than the Chargers, buddy. Especially considering a lot of the "hot" teams that they played were in their respective slumps when they came to face the Colts. I like the Colts and I'd like for them to win the Super Bowl, but they're NOT GOING TO, sorry Amarantus. The Chargers are the best team in the NFL this year.
Refer to my post again, because it's pretty clear that the Colts schedule was far more difficult than the Chargers. Not sure where you are getting your information from.

They (the colts) beat the Giants in the first game of the year. Not sure where a slump could be at. They played the Jets in week 4. Not really possible to have a slump in the 4th week. The Patriots won 4 in a row until they lost to Indy (no slump there). I suppose the Eagles could have been considered to be in a slump when they came to Indy, having lost their badass QB and all. But the ironic part is, they ended the season as one of the hottest teams, and won their playoff game today. I'd go on and on about the other teams but I don't feel like wasting my time. Anyways you were proven wrong.

Considering you can predict the future all of the sudden, lets go buy some lottery tickets and split the jackpot eh? Not to mention, if we all based our predictions on your logic, the Colts should have won the Superbowl last year, being the best team last year. But that obviously didn't happen now did it.
THATs NO WAY TO TALK TO A LADY !!! Now listen dude take some advice from a man who has dated 1000s of chicks you got a treat the babe with love and respect and show her a good time :kickass: :kickass: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin:

because that's the correct way to treat the female go from woman to woman (until you've reached the thousands).
I'm not wasting any time or money on the "female race" in the near future. They're the worst. Most women are just insufferable. Not worth the trouble. Alcohol is so much better. Johnnie Walker will never stomp on your heart.
Refer to my post again, because it's pretty clear that the Colts schedule was far more difficult than the Chargers. Not sure where you are getting your information from.

I believe the word you're looking for is "marginally."

They (the colts) beat the Giants in the first game of the year. Not sure where a slump could be at.

The Giants were a poor team in the beginning of the season.

They played the Jets in week 4. Not really possible to have a slump in the 4th week.

slump = low point in this particular situation, if you're going to be a cunt about terminology. Despite winning 2 of their first three, the Jets were also weak in the beginning of the season. There's a reason why they only squeaked into the playoffs. The only really "good" game they played this year was against New England.

The Patriots won 4 in a row until they lost to Indy (no slump there).

Incredible, you found a legitimate example. Too bad it doesn't prove anything, especially since the Jets beat them too.

I suppose the Eagles could have been considered to be in a slump when they came to Indy, having lost their badass QB and all. But the ironic part is, they ended the season as one of the hottest teams, and won their playoff game today.

The Eagles of week 12 are not the Eagles that you've seen since then. They lost 4 of their last 5 prior to that game, and they won every single game after that. After the loss to Indy, they had a bit of a reorganizing done, and became a far better team because of it.

I'd go on and on about the other teams but I don't feel like wasting my time. Anyways you were proven wrong.

No, actually I think my point still stands on its own. The Colts did not have a tremendously difficult schedule, at least not with respect to the level of difficulty of the Chargers' schedule. Neither of them had a particularly daunting task to surmount to get into the postseason.
the divisions in Football make no fucking sense. i saw a map of that shit the other day. it's not even vaguely linked to any kind of geography whatsofucking ever... sure, the Memphis Grizzlies shouldn't really be in the western conference, but then there's no bears in Tennessee either... in NFL the divisions are like one team from Florida, one from Canada, one from Portugal... anybody care to explain? why are the Cowboys NFC east???

further proof that Football is convoluted and outdated. the official sport of ignorant fatass american male stereotypes.


it's not that bad, but fuck off anyway SPURS FTW!!!!!
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