Official National Hockey League Thread

What in the actual mother fucking fuck is Marc Bergevin doing trading Jarred Tinordi to Arizona for John Scott & Stefan Elliott and than possibly trading Elliott for Victor Bartley in Nashville who is already 27 years old... We don't need Toughness from John Scott or another D-Man it just makes no fucking sense.
It doesn't really matter, Tinordi will be a Clayton Stoner at best.

To be fair Jarred never really got a chance. He just kept getting sent down and re-called everytime and this year he's been with the team but instead of inserting him in the line-up they call up Greg Pateryn and Mark Barberio whom btw is fucking excellent so far. But still the kids confidence is shot. I've always had a problem with the way Habs management has dealt with prospects, they always send them down and up like a 100 times through the year. Even when they are doing well. Especially Daniel Carr, the kid has more points in the NHL then Jacob De La Rose has this year in the AHL. Like what the fuck bro
10 in a row now for the Hawks. This is still the team to beat. Kane is the MVP so far, maybe even with the off-ice issues. He's been incredible. They've erased a 13 point deficit to Dallas in less than a month.
Blow this team up for all that I care. One of the few guys that has been consistent this season (Yandle) is the one rumored to be traded just because Staal and Girardi are leeching money on their NTC/NMC contracts. Once again, remove NTC/NMC ffs. Declining 15 teams is ok but to not be able to move them anywhere is bullshit.
Hitchcock is still coaching the Blues, and it boggles my mind

I think it all depends on how they do in the playoffs if they make it. Haven't the Blues been decimated by injuries though?

Man I saw that Farnham hit on Jaskin after he got rocked clean by Shattenkirk I think, that was as dirty as it gets right there. Fuckin coward.
@Systematic Riffage
Some injuries, but still. Playing like garbage. the system is terrible. I've never liked Ken Hitchcock
yeah that hit on Jaskin was bad news.
But the Reaves one punch to Tootoo was a thing of beauty :lol:

Man this is some damn good hockey between the Blues/Habs

Although Blues don't deserve to be at a tie game considering how undisciplined they are tonight. But man that hit by Alexei Emelin on Paul Stastny was an absolute thing of beauty that was like a Scott Stevens open ice hit. Minus the blind side lol... Good hard shoulder to chest. I can't wait to watch it over and over again hahaha.