Old school death metal


Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales/Emperor's Return
Possessed - Seven Churches
Death - Scream Bloody Gore/Leprosy
Autopsy - Severed Survival/Mental Funeral
Obituary - Slowly We Rot/Cause Of Death
Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness/Blessed Are The Sick
Entombed - Left Hand Path
Grave - Into The Grave
Dismember - Like An Everflowing Stream
Carnage - Dark Recollections
Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells/Shadows In The Deep
At The Gates - The Red In The Sky Is Ours/With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness
Nocturnus - The Key
Deicide - Deicide/Legion
Atheist - Piece Of Time/Unquestionable Presence
Pestilence - Malleus Maleficarum/Consuming Impulse/Testimony Of The Ancients
Asphyx - The Rack
Bolt Thrower - Realm Of Chaos/War Master
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
Darkthrone - Soulside Journey

Note: These are most of what I believe to be the "obvious."

You may not like em, but Suffocation deserve a spot on that list.
I didn't claim it was comprehensive or that I haven't missed any, but yeah...

Suffocation - Human Waste/Effigy Of The Forgotten/Pierced From Within
Immolation - Dawn Of Possession/Here In After/Failures For Gods
Morpheus Descends - Ritual Of Infinity
Incantation - Onward To Golgotha/Mortal Throne Of The Nazarene
Gorguts - Considered Dead/The Erosion Of Sanity/Obscura

These could all be included without going too far "underground."
Hmmm...well I don't care for Suffocation anyways so I didn't mind it not being on your essentials list. They always seemed closer to brutal death metal than old school anyway despite the fact that they were around the same time period.
Bits and pieces of it. Definitely their most old school (and best) sounding stuff. I see them as kind of a bridge between old school and brutal death metal. However, I generally don't care for their music.

Disaffected - Vast.

Just won this on ebay for $5.00. Bargain!

For all those who haven't heard it, I highly suggest seeking it out. Fantastic, original technical Death Metal from Portugal. A true forgotten gem.

One of my fav records, unfortunatelly they are not from scandinavia, that means no one pay attention. I recommed you Sacred Sin - Eye M god / :rock: Anguish I Harvest, another portuguese band with same vocalist of Disaffected:rock:
You guys have nice taste in death metal.

Here's a couple that weren't mentioned:

Crematory (SWE)
Necroharmonic allegedly has a Crematory demos compilation slated to be released sometime within the next several hundred thousand years.
Well they have it filed under "No Release Date...Don't Ask," so I'm not expecting it any time soon, but they'll be putting out a new Funebrarum full-length soon.
I know its been brought up before but I just want to reiterate how badass this album is:


It really has a diverse, highly melodic sound that is, quite simply, a really satisfying listen. The only thing I dislike about it is the pick sliding in the production which can slightly take away from the enjoyment of the album. Other than that highly recommended.
Yeah, I don't really know what I have yet to pick that one up.

Well I know why I haven't, I saw it at my local HMV for $27 Canadian. What a fucking rip-off. I came home and found it online for like $12 US at The End. I can't believe the scams these giant record stores try to get away with.

Anyways I'll be ordering it soon.
I really like Cemetary 'an evil shade of grey'. tons of atmospheric slower/middle paced guitar work and nice harmonies. You really only hear the picking on the fast parts majority of the time and yeah it's odd but I was never really bothered by it.

also Sorcery -bloodchilling tales is classic imo.
I decided to check out Obscurity (the 80s Swedish dm one). Honestly, I was not impressed. The music is primitive and the production is horrid. It actually sounds more like very early black metal than it does death metal. A primitive blur of noise, like Necrovore.