One (musical) thing you hate in metal


May 13, 2002
Coventry, UK
Is there one thing that every time you hear it, you think "fucking hell, not again!"? For me, it's blastbeats. Apparently, many metal drummers have only three brain cells available for musical use (one for kick drum, one for snare, one for "miscellaneous"). If I wanted to hear a bunch of retarded "beats", I'd listen to some clubby dance shit. Let me make it crystal clear - blastbeats are not big, clever or funny. They aren't brutal, necro or heavy. They're just SHIT.
I hate it when the blastbeats are so loud that you can't make out the guitar riffs. I like blastbeats in general though. They can sound really cool when they are in the background and you can hear every note in the guitar riff.
i hate the hardcore shout and the raspy lemmy style singing. the shout is annoying. and if your gonna sing, sing properly

and blastbeats rule ;)
Yeah, if done properly blast beats can be wicked, I definitely dont hate them.

I can't really think of anything I do 'hate' about metal actually. Maybe bands who are clones of other bands. :)
I like blastbeats in moderation, and I reckon it can be equally as off-putting when drummers just do big blisteringly fast rolls and fills all the time rather than just laying down a beat (case in point : Nile's drummer on the 'In The Darkened Shrines' album).

I think the only thing that really bothers me is in metalcore bands, where every band gets to the beatdown and thinks 'let's just chug away at an E-chord for 45 seconds, wait till the kids beat the shit out of each other, then hit the riff again'.
I have to agree with the last two posts..........I hate metalcore bands that only play breakdowns after breakdowns, it get so fucking boring but those kids love it.....

I also hate power/prog vocals.......I even try my hardest to like Nevermore, but I can't stand the vocals.
awe, cmon now. those guys can actually sing! power metal singing rules, dirty singing sucks

lol, im not trying to argue, i just felt like saying that. im bored
speed said:
The castrated singers that populate power/prog metal.

I hate the ones that AREN'T castrated, but still try to do it...when they sound like they're trying to hit a note that's actually a good half an octave out of their range. Incidentally, if you want to hear a REEEEAALLLLY bad falsetto, find Uriah Heep's "Bird Of Prey". Now I like Heep, but the vocals on that one song make Justin Hawkins's worst moments sound like Rob Halford's best.
Well, aside from the geigh power metal vocals... "Pingy" sounding drums. Like on Vital Remains - Dechristianize(album) and a lot of underground, brutal death metal or black metal demo's. If the guitar work is excellent (like on Dechristianize) I can get past it... it still somewhat annoys me though.

I also hate vocals that are like Cristina Scabbia's; something about the way she sounds hurts my ears and makes me want to kill people.
I love power metal, but I also hate the so-called "castrated" singers. There are very talented singers who can hit high notes easy, think Michael Kiske, Henning Basse, Jeff Scott Soto,Mark Boals, etc... those are great. But then we have guys like Joacim Cans, Andre Matos, the guy from Dream Evil, etc who sound awful when hitting high notes, like 8 year old choir boys...
Bah, Nevermore's vocals kick ass. Warrel sounds good in just about any range. (He rarely hits high notes, though he used to a lot in Sanctuary).

Anyway, I second the drum triggering, as well as the boring generic vocals in death metal. This is particularly a problem on the Unique Leader roster (minus Psycroptic).
Bands that put cliche guitar solos into every song, or solos for the sake of soloing, or really clean/glossy solos in the middle of a dark, dirty song. Don't get me wrong I love a good solo, but some bands try and sneak a solo into every fucking song. And yes, power metal vocals suck, especailly when they quintuple them so it sounds like a whole choir of friuts are singing at once.
I hate metalcore with the breakdowns and shit, and those vocals...eww. I get tired of "The Abyss" studio sound, especially with blast beats (which is ironic since "Slaughtersun" is probably one of my top 5 albums ever). I hate most of those cacophonous death metal solos (not all DM solos are bad, but some are TERRIBLE!). Drum triggers are also HIGHLY annoying (unless mixed with real drum sound like Vintersorg so they sound real pounding).
None_So_Vile said:
Yeah thats a good one actually, drum triggers, whats the point? it's cheating lol
Its not cheating! (not that I use them:p ) Anyway, its not cheating, but I agree that they can be overused and often do sound weak.

For the record I'd like say that Flo only trigger's his bass drums. Even then he only does it for the album. Live everything is microphoned.

Thus (plus all the other stuff)

Flo > everything

What I don't like about Metal is some people's metal mentality. Yall know what I mean.