Opeth fans are the fucking best ever...

Tennessee, but I know I'd take a vacation if something was planned. And the people in other countries could do the same, so we'd have thousands (millions? nah...tens of thousands :)) congregating for Opeth. :headbang:

Hmm...is there any way I could edit my first post and make it a poll, or would I have to start a new thread for that?
You should do it.
I met lots of Anathemafans already (with the aid of this board) and some of them become really good mates. Although much of them live abroad.
The best way to do it is that everybody comes on holiday in a country where Opeth plays at a festival.

And its always good to know people, whether you like them or not :cool:
Izzy Junior said:
I'd have to disagree. I'm losing interest in the band thanks to how annoying a lot of these fans seem to be.


Seriously though, after looking through the board for a couple weeks I'm simply not seeing the type of retarded fanboys which populate other places on the 'net. Is it the intensity of the Opeth adulation... or did you have a bad experience at a concert?
ditches said:

Seriously though, after looking through the board for a couple weeks I'm simply not seeing the type of retarded fanboys which populate other places on the 'net.

You must be totally blind then.
BlackParagon said:
Fuck, suddenly I feel like I'm on a Britney Spears message board. Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't we all become Opeth groupies and see if we can get Mike to let us suck his dick! I'm sure he'd love that! No offense...

HAHA! :lol:

Ha, you get a reputation boost, for making me laugh.
Guardian of Darkness said:
HAHA! :lol:

Ha, you get a reputation boost, for making me laugh.

What are those?? I was looking on my user cp....and it said i got a reputaton boost for one of my posts, I'm up to like 10 now or something. Probably really low...but what are these things, how they work?
BlackParagon said:
The eye cannot see itself. You know? Fuck, suddenly I feel like I'm on a Britney Spears message board. Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't we all become Opeth groupies and see if we can get Mike to let us suck his dick! I'm sure he'd love that! No offense...

So, wait a minute... suddenly it's like we're a bunch of groupies for liking Opeth a lot? It's easy to say "the eye cannot see itself" when you don't bother to, you know, mention ANYTHING that describes what you're talking about.

Is it the guy who wants a 'get-together' that's pissing you guys off?
Some of you people really love to fight don't you? We're all Opeth fans, who gives a fuck what we are called? We all share a common affinity for the best band in the history of music, thats all that should matter.
I dunno...somehow "Opeth" and "groupies" shouldn't be uttered in the same sentence. When I think of "groupies" I think of eighties hair metal bands and the like...though I know the idea is still very prevalent:err: . Anyway, to have a mass Opeth fan gathering would be a cool idea. I think to coordinate something like that though would be a mighty challenge to take on.
BlackParagon said:
As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to do what I talked about doing with my last band, and that's just say fuck Metal period. Not the music, but the mindset, because the mindset is gone in most "MetalHeads". I mean, if you can't understand cynical humor, and if you can't see where I'm coming from with the groupie comparison... fuck this.

Stop the metal, I want to get off!

You are a sad, pathetic little man if you have to get in a huff because you perceive people as enjoying metal the wrong way. Take some of your own advice:

BlackParagon said:
don't give yourself so much credit.
oh, man, ditches... you're right. I'm pathetic. I attack your approach to metal, you attack my entire being. Pretty cool. I'm going to go slash my wrists right now. Yeah, I was in a huff. How do you know that? You read people well. I just logged back in to tell you people that are getting offended by me that I actually do love you all, but I'm just giving you shit. In my own metal circle for many years we've given each other shit about "not being metal". You know, to keep each other in check. It's a joke. We also joke about things like "let's become Opeth groupies and suck Mike's dick". When I say the eye cannot see itself I'm saying that you are acting like one of the fan-boys that MacMoney was talking about, and I'm saying that if you are stuck in that fan-boy phase you won't be able to see it. You know, hindsight is 20-20. None of you know me and none of you know what I'm talking about. None of you understand the energy behind my words either. I don't have little wars and arguments like this in my daily life. I don't even know why I'm giving any of you an explanation. I can't believe that my fucking with you turned into you implying that I may be pathetic. Why don't you read the other version of this post, the poll. Why don't you read my post's on that thread? Why can't you see where I'm coming from? This all sounds like a plan for a Star Trek convention. So I'm giving you shit. What the fuck is the big deal about that? And what do you mean, a huff? I've got some great things going on in my life as we speak. I'm about to go see this beautiful, intelligent, artistic girl tonight. I just met her like two weeks ago. She wants to hear Opeth. Based on my description of Opeth she's practically already a fan. I've got maudlin of the Well playing. It's saturday.... Everything is smiles here. If you can't take a little Metal hazing from an old-school metalhead then maybe I really should say fuck it. Metal isn't all flowers and shit bros. Sometimes there's cruel humor involved. Cynicism is pretty damned metal as far as EVERYONE I know is concerned. I'm actually a pretty mellow, friendly dude. I've experienced a lot, a lot of horror, a lot of misery, a lot of love, a lot of happiness... When I was in the Marines eons ago, and I was hazed I took it like a man and didn't bitch about it. It doesn't need to be taken personally. And please, don't retaliate over this post okay? I have nothing but good intentions behind this. I'll just quit fucking with people from now on. That's why I hate communicating over the internet. People are practically forced to project their one ideas of what someone's motive is on to their posts. From now on I'll just read and post crucial info.