Opeth in the mainstream

i dont like grunts. they dont make sense to me. i mean, if your mum died, would you growl at her funeral? and the music just does nothing to me.
slipknots drummer could have been a talent, but all these crap bands he's in ruined his whole career he probably put everything he had into that solo, in fact one of their guitarists is a pro. teacher, but look now the guy probably sucks from playing music well below the standard of most mediocore, no talent, uninspired death metal bands, slipknot couldve been a great band but after their independent cd they screwed it all up and now they deserve to die
Funeral Portrait said:
i saw a few kids today with their damn slipknot shirts on. i happened to be wearing my opeth shirt from the fair judgement tour, and they gave me some weird ass looks. i dont think they had a clue who opeth is. most people who ask me about the shirt think it fuckin says oprah anyways...retards

I remember the day after I saw Opeth at Ziggy's in Winston Salem, NC. I was wearing my signed Deliverance t-shirt over my t-shirt that has the Opeth logo on the front. Just a few minutes after I took off my Deliverance t-shirt several people comment on my Oprah t-shirt. God how I miss high school.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
If you don't like Opeth why post here? Isn't there a Tori AMos forum around? :lol:

im trying to understand why people are so into opeth. last night ive been listening to 'blackwater park' and 'still life', and a couple of quiet part were alright, but all the heavy stuff bored the shit out of me although i must admit its really well played and sometimes original, but the lyrics make me feel really sick. especially a line which was something like 'i die fast into your tears' or something like that, i thought i was gonna have a heart attack when i read that. so i just try to understand why so many people are into them, calling them the new beatles and that.

have you ever listened to tori amos? some of her tracks are darker than anything opeth will ever release, even if shes 'mainstream' [sorry for the curse word] :tickled:
I don't understand you guys.....I feel "Opeth is mine and I don't want to share!"

That's the best way i can explain it. I feel that they deserve the mainstream success financially but otherwise I don't think they would care much about fame or popularity. How would you like for every wanna-be metal head in the world to start claiming they're die hard Opeth fans?...I would kill....
Ethereal Deliverance said:
I don't understand you guys.....I feel "Opeth is mine and I don't want to share!"

That's the best way i can explain it. I feel that they deserve the mainstream success financially but otherwise I don't think they would care much about fame or popularity. How would you like for every wanna-be metal head in the world to start claiming they're die hard Opeth fans?...I would kill....

what he said...i wouldnt mind a few groups of people knowing them but not enough one that would be...aarrrggghhhh i would just bug me
yea true, its like opeth is OURS, something we are fortunate to have...but dont want to share. if they became a huge success, it just wouldnt feel like the same opeth anymore. its selfish i know...
Mayberry's Finest said:
I remember the day after I saw Opeth at Ziggy's in Winston Salem, NC. I was wearing my signed Deliverance t-shirt over my t-shirt that has the Opeth logo on the front. Just a few minutes after I took off my Deliverance t-shirt several people comment on my Oprah t-shirt. God how I miss high school.
You have no idea how many fucking people said "Oh, I thought your shirt said Oprah" to me in high school.
Shit, how could ANYONE think it says OPRAH on those shirts? I swear, they probably must have been kidding or something...I mean, just look at the font/logo. Obviously it's very "celtic" like...dark.

Anyway, I would be happy if Opeth one days manages to have a platinum-selling album....sure, like few have said here, I don't wish them to be TOO popular (that would suck, for many reasons) but they sure do deserve to be MORE known than they are. I know Mikael said it would NEVER happen, but....look where it already has gone. From Orchid which practically no one knew, and then starting with BWP which grew more and more at Damnation. Things just MAY change for these guys.

And The Beatles are great, but...Opeth have SO MUCH more talent. trust me, I DID hear my share of Beatles songs. One of my faves is Eleanor Rigby, but damn...Opeth have soft and heavy. Both are SO well done and their guitar work is just simply fantastic IMO. Opeth are just an incredible band and to this day I am so FORTUNATE to had discovered them when I did.
Whenever I see someone with Opeth paraphenalia I approach them and say, "Aww dude! Opeth! Awesome! You're a fan?" or something. Usually it is some guy who doesnt even know what Opeth is. 9/10 the guy purchased it from hot topic because it looked freaken cool.
Natural Born Chaos said:
You have no idea how many fucking people said "Oh, I thought your shirt said Oprah" to me in high school.

My dad said that to me... Then I wore the shirt and two of my friends said that to me :OMG: it doesn't even look CLOSE to Oprah....
segaszivos said:
Whenever I see someone with Opeth paraphenalia I approach them and say, "Aww dude! Opeth! Awesome! You're a fan?" or something. Usually it is some guy who doesnt even know what Opeth is. 9/10 the guy purchased it from hot topic because it looked freaken cool.

what are opeth shirts doing in hot topic?!
in my english class last year, i was known to the jocks only as "oprah guy." god how i wanted to punch them a couple times they called me that.