Opeth in the mainstream

mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
im trying to understand why people are so into opeth. last night ive been listening to 'blackwater park' and 'still life', and a couple of quiet part were alright, but all the heavy stuff bored the shit out of me although i must admit its really well played and sometimes original, but the lyrics make me feel really sick. especially a line which was something like 'i die fast into your tears' or something like that, i thought i was gonna have a heart attack when i read that. so i just try to understand why so many people are into them, calling them the new beatles and that.

have you ever listened to tori amos? some of her tracks are darker than anything opeth will ever release, even if shes 'mainstream' [sorry for the curse word] :tickled:

If you don't like the music fair enough - but still, why post here? I like the music because of the great riffs, amazing solos etc. I don't know why people called them the new Beatles, but every band has fans that say things like that. I would say Opeth are the new Opeth and leave it at that - you like them, or you don't.
Simple. :grin:
segaszivos said:
Whenever I see someone with Opeth paraphenalia I approach them and say, "Aww dude! Opeth! Awesome! You're a fan?" or something. Usually it is some guy who doesnt even know what Opeth is. 9/10 the guy purchased it from hot topic because it looked freaken cool.

Are you serious?..Opeth t-shirts are at hot topic now?...
I LOVE Audioslave. Their CD is one of the best ones I have gotten in the past year I would say. Although I do think Morello is not that great a guitarist, his whole deal with the pedal seems more of a gimmick than actual talent and skill. Other than that it is a great CD.
MightyDrynwhyl said:
i hate when trendy ppl ask me for bands to check out, its like "fuck off its MINE! M-I-N-E get your dirty trend fingers off of it"

hehehe oh man i know its pretty fucked up, but i couldn't agree more
When I was doing Work Experience, I saw this guy in an Emperor hoodie with an Opeth patch on his bag, and I talked to him for a while, that was cool. Other than him, I haven't seen any Opeth shirts except at concerts. I got loads of my friends into them though.
Not telling mainstreamers about Opeth is just stupid. I want them to sell records and make it better than they are now. I always tell em to buy their cds if they see em around. Maybe the just need to hear the gospel and they will be saved from then on. Thats the way I see it and Hot Topic is poser central around here. And may Opeth go mainstream and change the world!! GGrrrrrrooooaaarrr!!!
Well I'll pass on the whole T-shirt Oprah thing but to the guy who thinks Morello is not a talented guitarist I really don't know what more the man can do.
He creates the most unique solo style heard in a long time by not playing neo-classical or speed pentatonics and creates these soundscapes yes with effects. But hey no one else sounds like him. He has his own style.
I still think RATM were a great band despite their flawed socialist tendencies and hypocrisy. Morello riffs like Tony Iommi (Sabbath is mentioned as an influenence, specifically Mob Rules by Morello himself) and plays lead guitar like Tom Morello. For me that is enough.

And to conclude Osama Bin Laden will be President of The United States before Death growls become mainstream.
Moonlapse said:
Yeah, I wonder how the next '2 Black Metal track album' impacts the mainstream :lol:

True . Moreover , they'll never be mainstream even if they release mellow stuff .
Hot Topic also sells Blind Guardian and Iced Earth shirts.

the TWU KREW must be so proud.
DreamingofUr said:
Not telling mainstreamers about Opeth is just stupid. I want them to sell records and make it better than they are now. I always tell em to buy their cds if they see em around. Maybe the just need to hear the gospel and they will be saved from then on. Thats the way I see it and Hot Topic is poser central around here. And may Opeth go mainstream and change the world!! GGrrrrrrooooaaarrr!!!


I always introduce people with Opeth.
Bastards. I kept hearing they had Opeth shirts at Hot Topic so I actually went into one instead of just laughing and pointing as I sauntered by like usual. They had no shirts and, of course, had never heard of them. When I asked they said, "Umm...is that a band?"
I actually got my Opeth shirt at a Hot Topic. I stopped in last year looking for a Pantera shirt and saw it instead, so I grabbed it as fast as I fucking could.

BTW, I've also had people ask me if my shirt said Oprah. That's so weird! Actually, the kid who said it was a big Tolkien fan. Some girl came up behind him and looked at my shirt, then said, "Orpth? What is Orpth? It sounds like a book this kid would read." I found it funny. Then I told them it said Opeth. "Oh, is that a band?"
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
have you ever listened to tori amos? some of her tracks are darker than anything opeth will ever release, even if shes 'mainstream' [sorry for the curse word] :tickled:


If it weren't for rape, Tori Anus would have no career.

Her cover of Raining Blood made me laugh it was so rediculous.
Tori Amos is good. Her cover of "Raining Blood" is better than the original. It's not as h@rdc0r3, but it is better, and much darker IMO. Her originals are pretty good too.

HOWEVER i do think that Opeth have made darker songs than she has.