Opeth = Mainstream, get use to it !

Speaking of metallica and shit... britney spears doesn't write her own songs, so she can't decide what she wants to do. All you do is give her a script, throw her in a recording booth and have her wail for half an hour and you have an album.

Metallica's been all about the money ever since they admitted it when Napster was free.

I also remember Metallica saying 'We're NEVER gonna make a music video!' yet they started making videos from AJFA and on. Then again, they haven't produced anything decent since The Black Album
why are we talking about metallica again?? this has to be the most rehashed issue of all time..i mean honestly...how many threads are there about metallica selling out...probably been discussed millions of times...they sold out to their old style...that doesnt mean they sold out themselves, but to the fans they sold out because the fans liked the old style.... :Smug: ....lets talk about OPETH...they are not mainstream...lol..most people in america cannot stand the death metal scream in the first place...as soon as they hear it they shut off the music...now play them an acoustic part of opeth and they love it...and then they hear the vocals and immediately dont like it cuz they dont listen to the music underneath the vocals....

most people either like dave matthews and john mayer....snoop dogg and nelly, britney spears and backstreet boys, or classic rock/traditional metal(metallica, ozzy, iron maiden)...they have never even heard a death metal vocal before...and are totally unfamiliar that there is even a music industry outside the united states....they dont even know that music exists in scandinavia....much less musicians that have more skill than anyone else, and that it is actually metal(which most people think died in the eighties)...blink182, linkin park is "metal" now....

so no... most people dont know who opeth is... and the people that do are generally people that play guitar, and had to adjust to the scene as well....that being said opeth is one of the more famous bands from the underground scene....i dont have a problem with more people liking their music...it actually makes me feel good cuz people are benefiting from great music, and i actuallly have someone to talk to about opeth..... :err:

if you read all this you're gay.
This thread blows major goat ovaries.

Mainstream, by underground metal standards? Yes
Mainstream in the regular sense? No

Sellouts? Compromising their style to gain publicity?

Well... I guess Damnation could be interperited as such, but we all know that the band wrote the album out of their devotion to the style. Not to appeal to a larger crowd. It's not like they started playing nu-metal or hardcore to shift the albums to the latest "money making" demographic. They're playing melodic rock, which, while it has a wide appeal, is by no means an attention seeker for the trend-followers.
When you start being a musician, you take influences and put them all
together with your likes and dislikes and make your own songs.
Mike has many many different types of influences.
Clapton played all rock then in later years got back to his first influence
If Mike wants to explore his roots, fine by me. There might be some
Opeth Albums I won't buy. Doesn't mean I don't think they are one of
the best groups to put music on a CD or one of the best live bands out there.
I am about to turn 50 years old and there are no people my age who would
even consider listening to this stuff. I would much rather have a bunch of
friends getting together and talking Opethian instead of discussing how much Viagra has helped their sex lives out.
Be glad that Opeth have gained some popularity. This means they will
get to come over here (USA) and tour dammit.

is it ok if your turds come out of your asshole in perfectly shaped round balls?
Decadent said:
. Not to appeal to a larger crowd. .
that contradicts what mike said.

also, the DVD was conceived purely as a marketing tool. hence, damnation was played in its entirety. yes, this was a product of their label. yet, opeth went along with it and had no complaints (that ive ever heard). in the dvd, youll notice mike makes a distinction between their "damnation" sound and "what we *really* sound like". its as if the heavy songs which *we* all like, were an afterthought. the dvd was not for us, it was for the damnation fans (excuse the assumption, please).

excuse me if i sound like i am out to burn opeth. im not, i just dont understand how so many people here can spew forth such hatred for one band and such love for another. i cant stand avril lavigne any more than you all do but its not consistent to say she is any less talented than anyone else. how is it possible to know such a thing? i implore you: prove to me that avril lavigne "sucks" and opeth "rules". ill be waiting.
dorian gray said:
prove to me that avril lavigne "sucks" and opeth "rules". ill be waiting.
"oooh, look at me, I'm Internet-tough!"

:yell: Would you just stop it all ready? This is so lame, baiting all these people with nonsensical statements so they'll argue with you...this has BEEN DONE INTO THE GROUND, LITERALLY SEVERAL HUNDRED TIMES.:yell:

You are right. Okay? Does that vindicate you? Now go find something else to do.
Gunhaver said:
can you really call yourself a fan if you lose interest in a band just because of the popularity they gain? sounds less like a fan, and more like a dumbass.

Classic Post.

As long as they don't sell out and write albums like St Anger ill listen to them.
Detric said:
Your right Deadlift, but Ive been a Opeth fan for some time now....And in the start I just had this special feeling when I was listening to Opeth. Cause not many people knew them, but now everybody talks about them...Where I live...And I just lost that feeling. I know that you guys dont care, but this is very hard for me :yell:

you're a fag. go hump another band's leg.

life lesson here: Bands cannot be counted on like a monogamous girlfriend. Get a life..people are going to find out about your secret little band, and they will undoubtedly listen to them, and in teh case of OPeth...people will more than likely dig them..to an extent.
You know, as one of the "Damnation fans", I get sick of seeing over and over this assumption that we are somehow not as desirable as the fans that came into Opeth through the metal scene. I'm not sure if that's what people intend to convey, but that's the way it comes off sometimes.

So yes--I came into Opeth in a large part because of Damnation, and to this day it is STILL one of my two favorite Opeth albums (the other being its near-opposite MAYH). But I DID come to like the death vocals and other metal aspects, not just the "softer" sections...and it's turned out to be the gateway to a few other metal bands. Not bands I think most people here would like (though I do know of 1 who likes Symphony X), but still, it didn't hurt at all to broaden my horizons a bit. Why people act like the addition of a new segment of the fanbase is somehow the most horrible thing to happen to Opeth is absolutely beyond me.
dorian gray said:
i implore you: prove to me that avril lavigne "sucks" and opeth "rules". ill be waiting.
I think that's a very bad example... after all, Avril Lavigne is the ultimate queen of death metal. Remember, it's all subjective, right?

Anyway, it's pretty clear that the DVD was a marketing tool by the label. It's also pretty obvious that the band, while perhaps not being awfully eager to record a DVD, wouldnt say no to the offer. It's not a matter of principle, in staying 'tr00'... it's a matter of a logical decision.
cthulufhtagn said:
the concept of "selling out" is the dumbest thing to happen to music ever. everyone has their own definition of it. you can't expect a band to work solely according to the whims of their asshole "sellout alarm" pseudo-fans, because THAT, my friends, would truly be selling out.

thank you. someone finally agrees with my definition of selling out. for a band to fucking create everything the fans want to hear would be selling out. as someone said in a post after cthulu's, st.anger sucks, but..it's what they wanted to do, and anything else would be selling out. the other side, is that it is disappointing to you if you don't enjoy a band's newer music, after loving their other material..but hey..there are endless fucking bands/musicians in the world, so..explore and get over it.
don't fucking hate a band for writing music that they want to write..
I truly feel Mike and the guys are in it for the music...Unless this changes I seriously doubt he will write any "sell out music"

I also can agree with you guys that the more fans the less "special" it is to be a fan. I still enjoy the music greatly...and at the end of the day that's all that matters.

To the Damnation comments: I was drawn to Opeth from Damnation...but I was a metal head previously...Just never into the growling vocals(I liked Metallica, Tool, Satriani, Rammstein and so on...)

Damnation made me really take a second look at the band. I had heard songs off Blackwater Park and Deliverance from downloads...and didn't really care for them. The songs from Damnation I got were keepers... I got the Damnation CD...and after a couple weeks I was craving more so I bought Deliverance and Blackwater Park(which I was turned off from just a few months previously) Blackwater Park is now my favorite album of all time. I rarely ever listen to Damnation unless its a rainy day or I wanna really relax and go to sleep or something(not meant to make fun of it)

My $0.02
Opeth will probably never be "mainstream" in the sense that they will be on the top 40 billboard charts in america, or book 10,000 seat venues worldwide and have a relentless and huge fanbase internationally and be millionaires...in fact, id bet a lot of money they wont. However, Opeth could be considered mainstream in the sense that they sell more records and are more "accesible" than most underground metal acts....

Lets keep something in perspective here Detric and others...Opeth arguably sold out during the Blackwater Parks release...which i find ironic, because that was the album many many Opeth fans even heard about the band from. I myself was shocked at how the fame of the band took off at that point (i knew very few people into them before that). I figured that was the point when Opeth hit the big time in the metal world, and i felt somewhat confused about what to think of the band at that point...that many of you i guess are feeling now due to damnation and deliverance. But i realized it was a good thing (not that i really cared in the first place, just found it interesting)...my only real concern with Blackwater park was the slightly less interesting songwriting than on the previous records.

That being said, i think it does come down to the music and you personally. Anything other than that should be written off as immature, dilluted, fantasy world, nerdy fanboy syndrome...and stopped immediately. Have your brief grievances about the "death" of your beloved "underground" metal band, and either adjust to their not so newly found and frankly WELL DESERVED popularity, or move on and start listening to some mediocre band like Kalmah, drawing horns on the pictures of mikael in your Opeth scrapbook and crying yourself to sleep every night, until you decide theres no reason for you to live and you decide to blow your brains out.

in other words...grow up douche.
Rose Immortal said:
You know, as one of the "Damnation fans", I get sick of seeing over and over this assumption that we are somehow not as desirable as the fans that came into Opeth through the metal scene. I'm not sure if that's what people intend to convey, but that's the way it comes off sometimes.
that was probably me. i meant, generally, opeths fanbase consists of those who prefer "what we *really* sound like" (mike on the dvd). damnation was the anomoly. i may be wrong though, i wish there were some numbers we could look at. damnation fans may far outnumber the "heavy" fans. i was just going by the general feel of the forum. didnt mean to offend.

did you tade in your symhpony x cd yet? :)