Opeth songs you hate

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Okay, hate was a bit too strong of a word for this thread, but I tend to use the word hate alot when its not really necessary (I fucking hate onions, for example) but this thread should really just be about Opeth songs you don't like. so yeah, I dunno.

...and by the way, Mike, if you decide to look at this SHIT THREAD again, BTPISIO is an amazing tune! I think it's very well written!:cool:
Okay, hate was a bit too strong of a word for this thread, but I tend to use the word hate alot when its not really necessary (I fucking hate onions, for example) but this thread should really just be about Opeth songs you don't like. so yeah, I dunno.


You know kid, I really wouldn't be too proud that an amazing musician like Mikael posted in my thread because he was upset/ aggravated/ let down or whatever...
I don't think he minded the thread, just that some of the posts in this thread have been regressed to basic insults. If you want to criticize a song, fine; say what you don't like about it, or what could have made it better (as if you know). Of course, it doesn't really matter what I think.
You know kid, I really wouldn't be too proud that an amazing musician like Mikael posted in my thread because he was upset/ aggravated/ let down or whatever...

I'm a very simple person, I see this as one of my heroes acknowledging my existence, like when Devin Townsend told me over the internet that I should control my anger.

Besides, I don't think my post pissed him off that much, it was those that are straight out insults. My post made was logical, kinda.
agreed. wouldn't compare them with DSOTM, tho, musically. commercially, maybe bwp? seeing as how dark side was the floyd's most "commercial" album (until the wall, as far as singles go). musically, although i continue to find pink floyd influences in many opeth songs, i can't really think of any opeth album that is even comparble at all to a PF album, maybe ghost reveries/wish you were here.

That comment was based off of personal taste. DSOTM is one of my all time favorite albums, so is Orchid.
oses their least interest
I honestly dont see what all the fuss about By the pain I see in others. I think its a fantastic tune.

Coil isnt bad either, its nothing special but it certainly starts the album off on the right foot.

Porcelain heart is the only song out of all Opeth tunes I really dislike, the next closest would be the Grand Conjuration. Not a bad song, but sucks compared to most other Opeth song. Seems Opeth choing songs to make into music videos. I wonder why? I remember before WS came out, the local college radio station by me would sometimes play Porcelain Heart, and I couldnt help but think... why this one? Why not Heir Apparent or Hex Omega which are fascinating songs. I dont understand to this day.....
I'm a very simple person, I see this as one of my heroes acknowledging my existence, like when Devin Townsend told me over the internet that I should control my anger.

Besides, I don't think my post pissed him off that much, it was those that are straight out insults. My post made was logical, kinda.

haha, great first impression, eh?
People shouldn't get upset here. We are all here to pay homage to one of the greatest bands of all time. (ironically, I state this in the "opeth song you hate" thread). Nathan, relax, and enjoy one of your famous hot dogs.
I don't think he minded the thread, just that some of the posts in this thread have been regressed to basic insults. If you want to criticize a song, fine; say what you don't like about it, or what could have made it better (as if you know). Of course, it doesn't really matter what I think.

Good point, I thought it seemed as if he was being sarcastic when he said the part about "nice title.." so I felt badly. And it does matter what you think, it changes peoples views on different things.
Especially since his username refers to Demon of the Fall.


well you see thats how much i dont listen to that album, so my balls you suck'em
I am amazed to see people who do not care for mourning rise or Orchid. Those are 2 of the greatest albums ever made. Up there with Dark Side of The Moon.

It's all about personal taste. I could say the same thing about my bro, who finds Opeth both too hard, and too soft. He finds them "gay", and I want to cry every time I hear it. But it's his personal opinion. I don't like how he uses that as an excuse to bash everything, but the general opinion still stands.

I don't know why I don't care for them, I'd like to, but I just don't. It's not the albums' faults, which is why I say they don't suck.

Also, I bet I could find some people who don't care for Dark Side of the Moon. :p
As I commented elsewhere already, I think 'Hessian Peel' has an amazing flow... so well-written. And I've always quite liked 'By the Pain I See in Others'. It ends the album on such an uneasy note (this is not a pun).

Hey Nathan, Devin Townsend told you to control your anger on the internet? Hahahahaha, that's awesome. It's like when I saw 'em in San Francisco, and at one point I yelled 'Fuck yeah!' really loud, and he looked at me and mimicked me, then went, 'Come on, everyone say "Fuck yeah!"'. Not sure if I felt more like a douche or the king of win.
No, I don't get that upset, I just feel your words could have been chosen with better care. To not make it sound like you just want to piss us off. I like complaints, you're all wrong, but I like reading them, haha!

My chicken pox is fucking horrendous! I have it all over my body pretty much and it's itching to the point where I'm about to go insane.
Haven't slept for 2 nights basically....

Fucking FUCK!

ive actually made an online relationship where i learned what a girl really wants. Problem was that what she wanted was a fantasy thing where we would alway talk about getting married and how perfect i was. then when i siad that i was unsure of her she started crying. I left her and i reveal her real side and now im a better man.

And if a girl wants Opeth bring them to me muahahaha
It's kind of interesting seeing who dislikes what, and why.

I actually can't get into either of the first 2 discs because of the production... but that's my hangup, and it's not just with this band...that's just the way it is.

Did someone say the 'radio edit' of PH is better? The edited version shouldn't even exist :P Ever.

No band is going to blow you away with every single song they do.
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